I posted before about hemroids , these do t hurt but they are good size flaps around the area and I'm going to a proctologist to check to make sure . I googled analyze cancer pics and although they are not the same , I see a similarity. Do old hemroids leave medium size flaps of skin around anal area?
Freaking out: I posted before about hemroids... - Anxiety Support
Freaking out

I have one and yes. That's how mine is. I think mine has actually gotten smaller over time tho cause I have had it for a while. It seems to only get bigger when I have a hard time going to the bathroom.
And don't google hun. Doctor google isn't the way to go. I had mine checked out by my regular doctor and he said yeah its just a hemorrhoid. They can be removed if they bother you but if not I wouldn't worry about it. I went through a long period of time with awful constipation and that's where mine came from. My butt was actually bleeding once cause of how bad it was. Don't freak out. Call your doctor if you are very concerned about it. Hope you feel better!

I gave an appt. to see a proctologist at 1:20 today , and I think it's been there for years , like when the hemroids shrink , does it leave skin behind that just stays? And when I looked which I normally don't , it looked kinda big , but fleshy and soft . Sorry if too much info . Just want to know if hemroids stay , for years and not go away even when they are not painful. I started 27 years ago when I was pregnant and they were so. Bad . The doc said thrombosed 3 years ago . I'm a high anxiety health worrier . Can you tell? 😳
I am too hun so don't worry 😞 and yes mine looks big when I look at it. But when I touch it it doesn't seem that big and yes it feels just like a flap of skin. I would say I had mine for a year or so
Thank you, I'm at the clinic now an hour early , time is going slow, I came from work and it's right down the street so I'm waiting. Ugh