Hi guys I dintend really know how to start, I believe I have had anxiety for many years. My problem at the moment is: 4 week ago I was in work and I felt really sick and I took a diazipam to calm down that kicked in and I was ok for a fed hours. Later that morning ( I work night shift) I began to feel really sick and light headed , honestly felt like I was going to pass out, anyway I got a Dr appointment straight away I seen the Dr and they told me I had otogenic vertigo and to rest and then signed me off for a week. The week passed and I didn't feel any better so I went back to the Dr and they told me I had viral labrynitis so again signed me off work for another week. I still felt not sick but just not right so I called NHS 24 and they said sounds like a virus, I left it a fed days and went back to the Dr who said it now sounds like post virus symptoms and to rest drink water etc signed off work for a other week. This Saturday I just wasn't buying what they have told me as I was still light headed so I called nhs24 and they sent me to the hospital to be checked over and the doctor said she could find anything wrong as to why I'm light headed and said I have tension headaches and give me antibiotocs for my cough and said see my gp on monday ( which I will later today). I really don't understand why I am still light headed and it's really getting on top of me. I honestly feel like I'm dying and I get all sorts of symptoms ie with my anxiety I always feel like I'm going to have a heart attack. Me being a mummy's boy spoke to my mum and she has said 4 doctors have told me I'm ok and it's all in my head. It's driving me mad cause now I'm thinking is this all in my head or am I dying, can anxiety really make me feel light head and just not right or do I have an underlying problem. The doctors just seem to look at my anxiety and leave it there am I being paranoid or am I ill, I'm scared out of my mind and I don't know what to do or were to turn so I seen this forum snd thought I'd sign up as everyone seems really supportive a may have experienced what I'm going through
Any advice or help please, I am new to thi... - Anxiety Support
Any advice or help please, I am new to this site

I could have written that myself. Like you I work nights . Have had a virus and throat issues since May . And every time I go to the doctors they say have you considered that it's just your anxiety and I'm like no anxiety doesn't give you swollen glands just look at me and fix me. I never feel like an anxiety sufferer gets proper treatment as soon as they look at our files they go to anxiety every time.
Sorry not much help but I wanted you to know that you are not alone. Take care.
Thanks and I know I feel like I'm just brushed aside because of my anxiety feel like I'm losing my mind
You're not losing your mind. They don't understand.

Yeah it's really hard to cope at times I've never had my anxiety make me feel light headed but after this virus I've had I don't know if it is just in my head as the doctor said the virus is gone but I still feel so light headed.
Well hello i have full blown anxiety panic attacks, PTSD,depression bu before i found out what it was i had a really bad abcess in my jaw for the second time i had it for five year's i knew i had it but never got it out no insurance no cash cost alot if money it hasn't bothered me the hole 5 years the all of the sudden i felt tightness in my head, jaw and started to have panic attacks very day for a week i was dizzy and couldn't sleep at night i felt very depressed i didn't now why i went to the ER they told me it was just anxiety i took yhe pills they gave me didnt work so i went to a different ER and i explained i had a abcess removed 5 years ago and then it came back well i got a mri dont and a CT and comes to find out i was in fact my jaw so i had a emergency surgery asap.. what im trying to say is anxiety is caused by anything daily stress or helth problems or medical problems i call it painless pain because i had tightness in my head and jaw no real pain.. we all know our bodies better then anyone so if you feel somthing s wrong there'snothing wrong with not excepting what the doctor say i didn't i kept going to the ER i didn't care and my medical emergency was finly noticed only because i know my body.... now since i had my surgery i still have bad anxiety but it's slowly stopping im learning to excet it because it is normal we all have anxiety just some of us notice it more and stronger then other's... you will be ok i will pray for you tonight... just remember god does not give us anything e can't handle we are strong people god has a plan for all of us i believe he is testing us all gives us hard things we are strong we are fighters.. anxiety ain't nothing we get through this we can get through anything....
Thank you for your kind words and I am glad your are taking control of your anxiety. My anxiety is crazy at the moment and very hard to try and control.
I have had several doctors look at me when I say several I mean like 5 of them. I have been told symptoms of labrynitis can last for months but I still get very anxious and worried. It's causing me great stress.