Hello all,
here's my thing, i went to my GP who told me i have anxiety, he gave me this number to call for Talking Therapies, they carries out their assessments, have since told me i haven't got anxiety
anybody had this? and what did you do?
Hello all,
here's my thing, i went to my GP who told me i have anxiety, he gave me this number to call for Talking Therapies, they carries out their assessments, have since told me i haven't got anxiety
anybody had this? and what did you do?
Go back to your gp and tell him what they've said, tell him you need his help to sort this out, xxx
the NHS Talking Therapies have phoned and sent my doctor letters and told him they should send me for more test! - just what somebody with Anxiety needs to hear!
im now waiting for the doctor to call me,
although im now thinking, maybe i should go and see and completely different doctor
Wait and see.what your gp says when he calls then take it from there, if your not happy then its your right to consult another gp, tell your gp how this has made you feel though, xxx
Conflict in diagnosis between health professionals makes me so angry, as if we don't feel bad enough they make things more difficult by not agreeing with each other, hang in there, I'm sure your gp will not be happy that the therapist has gone against his diagnosis of your anxiety, keep us posted xxx
Did they ring you up and ask you a list of questions ?
Do you feel your problem is anxiety?
I was referred but I had the most horrendous patronising woman I lasted 2 sessions and felt worse than before I started seeing her !!
I did lots of self help instead walking relaxation techniques You Tube relaxation videos We all understand on here so we can be better than some counsellors that only know about anxiety from books and lectures rather than experience
Hope you get the help you need
All the best
yeah it was over the phone, i also had 2 calls, one around 10 minutes and the other 45mins, they didn't think i was anxious enough for it to be in person - they basically said, the dont think it anxiety and that i should go back to my doctor and push for more test to be done
i have know idea if its anxiety, some of my symptoms match but others dont, according to the therapist its the symptoms im not getting, no heart palpitations or shorthness of breathe, no night sweats, no feeling of panic and no problems sleeping
the ones i do get, Muscle tension(neck, arms and calves), brain fog and tingling/numbness in hands and feet
"ANXIETY" - It might be helpful to anyone whose labelled with "anxiety" diagnosis to examine any or all life events leading up to when you first began noticing the symptoms that brought you to the GP -
1. Were you always happy as a child? Or do you remember being frightened, allone, ignored or hit
2. Did you remember a happy time at school or were you bullied
3. Did you end up with a partner, boyfriend, girlfriend who was putting you down, let you down or hurt you in some way
"The DRAMA OF THE GIFTED CHILD " give much information (found at libraries in psychology section) points out that being hit, ignored and criticized leaves us with serious low self worth -it showed me why I kept on choosing poor relationships and why I kept on accepting bad treatment from them that in turn impacted on my feeling even more badly - I needed to raise my own sense of self and do and find things and situations that make us feel better about self and happier about life! It's about learning to say "NO" to people who use us and only take take take - giving giving giving to such people leaves us EMOTIONALLY BANKRUPT!