Hi not wrote for long time hope everyone is doing OK .Anyway just wanted to post to see if any one going through the same as my anxiety is going through the roof.Iam suffering from very bad back pain hip and leg pain leg pain so bad when walking or standing thinking the worst and making me so miserable any help much appreciated
Back hip and leg pain: Hi not wrote for long... - Anxiety Support
Back hip and leg pain
Hi drago, I'm fortunate in that I know where to draw the line between actual physical ailments and bodily pain from anxiety. Before this gets blown out of proportion, it is best to see your doctor regarding the pain you are having when walking or standing. We can't write off everything to anxiety. The not doing anything about the pain will only make you fears grow. I wish you well in getting some answers. Take care.
Thank you I know your right but skeard to go thanks agora for reading take care

I know you are scared drago, I am scare as well. I have lower back, knee and leg pain as well. I hate the thought of going to the doctor and opening a can of worms. (as I call it) And so I live in pain. I guess that makes two of us.
I hope one of us starts the ball rolling in feeling better.
Hello Drago I can really sympathise as I have had chronic hip/lower back/thigh pain since May it is getting better but Im still very restricted in my daily life At first it was excruciating and I literally couldn't do a thing now I'm much better
It is miserable I do feel for you Have you had it diagnosed? Mine is hip bursitis I have had steroid injections under ultrasound and now going through physio which is really helping
Pace yourself and listen to your body exercise is the best medicine but you must get professional advice and not overdo it
Do you suffer from anxiety anyway or has it come on with the pain?
It will get better give it time and don't get too downhearted take good care of yourself
I've found Deep Freeze excellent the spray and gel
All the very best
hello argora1 and cat33 sorry for taking so long to reply i feel kind of ignorant .Ive had problems with internet so couldnt keep contact any way built up courage and went to the drs about hip and leg pain got to much gave me pain killers and told me it was my femoral nerve.pain didnt go im now on gabapentlin codeine and diazipan still in a lot of pain cant walk more than 20 yards and cant stand for more than 30 seconds never been in so much pain cant even sleep properly gone on for about 4months now and getting worse its got that bad i went to AE they said it was nurothapy because of my diabettes just dont know what to do any more very deprest with it makes life very hard as im a carea for my wife and 86yrs old father who is wheel chair bound and dimentia totally fed up but anyway im sorry for not replying and i wish you both well good luck with evert thing and thanks for listening to my moan x ps sorry i cant spell
Hello ian a hope everythings ok with you we had this conversation last year im alot better in my self thanks to you believe it or not x
Omg Tanya I certainly hope you are a lot better it's great hearing ftom you often wandered how you are and you had 5sons last time talking to you so have you got 6now you sounding happy please get in contact are you on the same number x
You sound sweet
I have 5 sons only had four last time hes 15 month now am i getting mixed up lol
Oh yes you had five last time I spoke to you I came to see you sorry if you've got mixed up its me drago we lost touch and I don't know why I hope your good x
Sorry did i hahah seems like years ago haha im very well thanks drago. a really am a hope you are and your dad x
Ye my dad's plodding on so nice of you to ask thank you.I'm ok what you doing with your self.Did you think I was some one else ya nutter haha.I hope your family are well x
Hahaha no a new it was u a didnt no i had five last time we spoke as it seems so long ago haha. am going to me mams for a coffee soon. am glad papa is good so are u keeping well a private messaged u
Also ye we lost touch i was texting you but you didnt reply to no messages do u no what snapchat is
Family are great thanks looking forward to christmas tbh am like a daft kid sometimes.
How do you private message hahax
A message instead of on your wall haha look at your messages xx
Hiya ian ive messaged u are u getting them ? xxx