I worry about passing out or fainting to the point that I struggle to go into shops and bmother buildings has anyone got any advice for me please I'm starting a job on Tuesday and am worried any help would be appreciated thank you
Anxiety: I worry about passing out or... - Anxiety Support

Thank you very much for your advice I am sorry to hear that you ate having a hard time too I hope that soon you can cope a but better with it hopefully bow you are staying with someone with experience it may help you I do try and tell myself that it's me doing it but sometimes it's hard and I panic I hope that one day soon I won't worry anymore but when I worry its as if I'm actually going to pass out sometimes I get hot and feel heady I am also on medication I'm on propanolol and sertraline thank you again for your advice xxxx
Megan, please see my reply to Marisol, above ; the same applies. Humans probably weren't meant to spend so much time sitting............ in offices, vehicles, houses etc.
Humans were meant to be mostly active during waking hours, and during activity is when our breathing is at its most natural.
But we have to live the life we're given, so watch your breathing ! Most people don't realise the importance of something so basic.
Good luck with your new job ! x
I really like how you explain the importance of breathing. I never really realised how shallow my breathing was usually until I got anxiety issues and started reading online about them and found out how important breathing truly is to us in order to feel better. You are absolutely right and this could fix so many different problems for us anxious people!
That's right m'dear but, for many people, it's unfortunately too simple to believe.
I only became convinced after an A&E doctor gave me a lesson in inhaling, holding the breath, exhaling a---n--d repeat ! And after the initial dizziness, caused by the first rush of oxygen, my symptoms disappeared...........like magic !
Keep spreading the word anyway Sweetie. Best wishes xx
Thanks so much guys I do appreciate all of the kind words and the help and advice thank you xxxx