So I'm mostly off the ALS scares. Finally!!!!!!!
But, as Health Anxiety people know: when one symptom goes that means another one has appeared.
I haven't googled it, because I've sworn off googling and my health anxiety has improved immensely because of it. So i'm hoping to get some help from you lovely folks.
Ever focused on your tongue movements too much because of anxiety? I notices some white irritation on the side of my tongue a few days ago (probably from spicy food) and since then I began focusing on my tongue. Now, i'm having issues with "sh" noises and "ch" noises. It's like my tongue isn't working properly now.
Also, does the line in the middle of your tongue remain completely straight? Mine looks mostly perfectly straight, but when I stick it out I notice that the line towards the very front of it is a little crooked.
Your thoughts, comments, and similar experiences are always appreciated!