Does anyone have GERD (acid reflux)from having anxiety? If so what do you do or take to make yourself feel better???? I'm feeling tired
GERD : Does anyone have GERD (acid reflux... - Anxiety Support

I have Gerd and anxiety as well! I take over the counter famotidine but I have been doing well managing my anxiety attacks so I have not been taking meds in like a month! I eat small portioned meals and frequently chew trident sugar free gum the green ones and I eat tums after meals and I take a min everyday to just walk around in peace and quiet and do my 5,2,5 breathing methods which is inhale 5 secs and hold for 2 secs and exhale 5 secs deep breaths and try not to stress and panic as much and tell myself everything is good to be fine and I pray as well. Hope u find this helpful😌
Yes I suffer with it and do have flare up's then they settle again
Have you spoken with your Doctor , I know for me making sure it was nothing sinister really helped , as well as they can also prescribe you things if over the counter remedies are not working
I know certain foods I have to avoid , big meals do not help , certain drinks and eating late at night and of course anxiety makes it so much worse to !
May be keeping a food dairy will help as sometimes we have to do a bit of investigating ourselves with this and by keeping a dairy we can see if certain foods trigger it or make it worse , or how we were feeling on that day it was worse , did we eat late and so on
I know it is not nice at all but with some help from yourself and maybe your Doctor you can improve and maybe be clear altogether
Take Care x

Thank you so much ....yeah my doctor has me on medicine it's not working. I believe this is causing my anxiety
I know and because of your anxiety the acid problem will continue
I had a bad bout a while back and even though my Doctor said it was anxiety I believed something else was happening
It was not till the Doctor referred me and I had an investigation and everything came back fine that believe it or not I was suffering so bad but within weeks of getting the all clear the reflux had gone because I started to relax , anxiety can be such a powerful thing
Maybe talk with your Doctor , it could be they change the meds or if the only thing that will settle you is to be referred then even though I cannot say for me I was not anxious it was well worth it for peace of mind and maybe the same for you
Let us know what you decide to do x

I will and thank you lots❤
Yes i get that sometimes too.when it gets so bad that i cant stand it,i usually drink a glass of cold milk.that pretty much stops mine.i can still feel the acid coming up my throat sometimes after words but its cold and not burning and then it usually goes away.
I've had heartburn for years myself since bout 11,I'm 23 now,anxiety I've always had I have a couple herbal remedies for that,but the Gerd popped up bout 17 an I found nexium at 19,if tried Prevacid prilosec tums pepto and generic acid reducers,nexium was LITERALLY THE ONLY THING that worked for me,try that.
One thing is to avoid spicy things, and to not eat 3 hours prior to going to bed. there is a natural remedy worth trying too, which is a kind of licorice (Here's an article: that you take with meals, and before bed. The Rx kinds of antacids are not good for the long haul, as they can disrupt your normal gut function. Diet, plus being vigilant about not eating or drinking alcohol within 3 hours of sleeping is very good.
Yes it's so hard trying to avoid all the foods that your use to eating, it is not easy. But I know I have to so that I can feel bettee. I have constant pain below my chest and middle of my back. I want to get an endoscopy done to see if everything is OK inside. It hurts really bad and it makes my anxiety worst than it is. Yes I need all remedies and more. Thank you so much
It's a vicious circle with the angst, isn't it. I'm sorry for you. The endoscopy test isn't bad, I had one. Meanwhile, really make an effort not to eat or drink too late, in particular. You can find lists online (I'm sure you have) of foods that are good/bad for it, etc. Not eating late is a big one, tho. Not always easy I know. You might benefit from a probiotic pill, too.
Cause of my Gerd is Anxiety and depression as doctor diagnosed it . I am having SSRI , which helps me lot .