Hello my name is Becca. I was bullied a lot as a child and that has lead to me feeling very insecure about myself. Being so young when the bulling started, it lead to me self harming and feeling suicidal, due to the serious effects it had. My girlfriend has been a great help but I'm scared if we breakup it will make my mental health even worse. I listed my symptoms in my health interests. If you have any idea how to help I'd love to hear your thought. Thank you .
Hello : Hello my name is Becca. I was... - Anxiety Support

Hi Becca, I know the feeling. I have lived with similar things for most of my life. You're not alone. 🙄😚
Hello Becca and Welcome
O I hate bullies they are nothing but little small minded cowards and I hope you realize they were and may still be the one's with the biggest problems and certainly not you , you will be a lovely kind person and unfortunately because bullies never are you had something they will never have so please I hope you do not blame yourself
I can understand why this will have affected you and if you have not please speak with your Doctor , I am not sure if you will have had any counselling but you would so benefit from some which your Doctor could arrange and sure would agree that this would help and even if you have had some because you are still struggling I would go back and ask to be referred again for more now is the time to get that help because otherwise those bullies are still having the power to determine how you feel and they are not worth it !
As for your GF leaving you , that will be your own self esteem that is quiet understandable you would be left feeling that way but you can work on this and I hope you get lots of support to do so
I hope you will feel you can come on here and talk with us and we can help in some small way to let you know that we understand and that there is light at the end of the tunnel and that you will see it with the right help
Take Care x

Thank you for the support, but I've talked to my mum about seeking medical help and she won't do it and I can't get to the appointment myself so I'm stuck here.
Hi Becca, I have been feeling really low today, and that's why I came on this site. I am glad to know I'm not alone. I have done some self harming things in my life and felt suicidal from time to time, so I know it's not easy when you're in that zone.
How long have you been with your girlfriend?
Well i was abused and more by my xhusband i left him 06 and i lost my father in 04 and October 2015 my fiancée died in my arms due to a drug over dose i never got over anything i relive everything in my head every day and night over thinking can destroy you so try not to think so much i know its hard ,i know you think about things even when you dont want to so what i do is keep my self busy to keep my mind so i wont think so much do anything play a game,call some one and talk to them,take a walk,exercise anything... dont be afaid of losing your girl i feel the same way im afaid of losing my honey so i over think about losing him i have negative thoughts but he reassures me isn't going any where he is very understanding