please stay with me a little while im not good can't get my head straight crying x
Need help : please stay with me a little... - Anxiety Support
Need help

Hey there,
I'm new here so a little nervous, just getting used to how this works and talking about these things with others.
I just wanted to say that we are all here. I know it may not feel like it and it is scary but we are. We can all relate to how you are feeling in at least some way. We care for you.
I'm sorry to hear you're not feeling good. Would you like to talk more about it? I would like to help if I can in any way, no matter how small. And if you don't want to talk more about it that's okay too, just know that I read your post and I am thinking of you.
Thank u been crying all day im dealing with thyroid problems low iron heavy periods anxiety depression and hair loss and agorapjobia just looks a lot when I write it down . Thank u for replying . I feel afraid all the time . Can't think straight . Overthinking everything . Trying to work our what's wrong and how to fix it I just feel lost and hopeless . This has been ongoing for a year im sure everyone is fed up listening to me . I don't know where to start . To fix things or at least give me a better quality of life xx im on sertraline 75 mg propanolol 20 mg and thyroxine 75 mg I know I shouldn't feel like this just feel no better than I did a year ago . No energy no support no happiness x
That does sound like a lot to deal with and therefore it unsurprising that you are not feeling good
No one is fed up listening to you, getting and feeling better takes as long as it takes and you can't put a time stamp on it. I feel positive that one day you'll just be doing an everyday thing and you'll think 'Wow, I haven't felt anxious and hopeless in a while now, I didn't even notice myself start to feel better but now I just do!'
It's funny because I find these comforting words so easy to give. I wish I could take my own advice!
I can only imagine what you're going through. I experience anxiety and depression myself but with the added pressures on top that you've described, that sounds really tough
There are people out here who want to help, even if it's just listening If it's something you're still comfortable with keep talking to us. I really do hope you feel at least a little bit soon x
How are you feeling now , come back and talk to us and let us know if you are feeling any better
Take Care x
Hi bounce just feeling lost and hopeless nothing's working anymore x