Hi all I've been suffering from anxiety and stress,depression for a number of months know I'm on meds which helps a bit .I've kept something away from my wife and family for 40 years and I let it all out Saturday which has took a big weight off me do you think I need to see the mental health nurse and explain to her cause I still feel anxiety is still there
What's caused your problems: Hi all I've... - Anxiety Support
What's caused your problems
Hard to say, markrobo, as you haven't told us what the something is. My guess is that because this something is still causing you anxiety, you may very well have a need to talk this over with the mental health nurse. You are basically saying you think you need to do this in your statement above.
Yes, you should see a therapist. Take few counselling sessions and remove all your fears and anxious thoughts.
Yes, I think you need to divulge to a mental health professional. Preferably a psychologist who will be trained to help you work through it.
You definitely need to talk with a therapist or counselor to help you through this revelation. It may have taken a big weight off you but how does the family feel?
I think that is why your anxiety may still be with you. It needs to be worked out
from their prospective. When all is accepting on both sides that is when your
anxiety will calm down. Good Luck and take best of care.
Thanks for your replies I'm booked in for a chat with my mental health nurse so let's get this sorted out