Here's a photo I just want your opinion so I think the right side is more swollen then the left I've told my mum and my mum said my heads always bin like that but I think she's just saying it to calm me down I just think it's a tumour growing and it's scaring the life out of me I've bin docs but not Said anything about the head as I didn't notice then and so I think it's growing due to noticing it ever since I've bin getting like tickely sensations on the brain on the base of it and sometimes to the front of my head so worried it's unreal constantly checking it and I've covered my face simply cause i look awful lol help?
Worried: Here's a photo I just want your... - Anxiety Support

Oh and doctors said there's no signs of tumour but I've read up there don't have to be
There really isn't as much deviation there as you are worrying about. All thatis there is the shape of your head. Mum knows best, never believed that till I had kids but she definitely does. Your mum would know if your head was doing strange things. A mum only needs one look to know something is wrong x
Thank you just feel ill as well just wanna feel normal again:/
No, doesn't look swollen more on one side to me. The lighting in the picture you took could be what is contributing to making it slightly look 'more' on one side... So maybe GO to the doctor and ask him directly about your concerns...then relax!
I'm glad you sent a picture. I do not see any difference from one side to another.
I think what you are feeling is caused from anxiety which in turn is tensing the muscles in the base of your head as well as your forehead. Actually, I do see something, I see a nice young man hiding behind his phone.
hi there im sure its nothing as your mum says its always been like that i dont think your mum would lie about something like this ! have you seen your doctor about this if only to put your mind at rest ! youve got to learn to after seeing your doctor to learn to trust his diagnosis otherwise theres no use going to see them ! i had a brain bleed 3 years ago and like you though everything wasnt right after seeing my own doctor and my neuroligist i started to try to relax a bit more ! god bless you and i hope every thing gets better soon david
Your Fine! Your concentrating on it too much that your mind is playing games with you. Its letting you see what You want to see. Relax ok your going to make yourself go madd. Iam the same way if i see something not right ill be focused on that for days but its Not good for your health. Be easy dont overwhelm yourself.