The white part of my eye is red and I don't know why I was fine earlier it feels itchy and feels like its watering but I wiped my eye and there was nothing there
Help me I'm scared: The white part of my eye... - Anxiety Support
Help me I'm scared

Hi Lauren, are you currently taking any medication?
Hi. It might be that you have a bit of dust or something in your eye and that it will wash itself out. There are literally dozens of possible causes for bloodshot eyes, none of which are serious. For example, tiredness, dry eyes, irritants, over-rubbing, allergies, alcohol use and so on. Your fear is purely down to your anxiety. Try giving your eye a wash with clean lukewarm water, and try to rest them for a while. At the same time dont focus on them - find something to occupy your mind. If the irritation and itchy feeling persists then perhaps you can ask for medical advice - I dont know if you have a nurse at your doctors surgery, but that would be the person to ask. In the meantime try not to worry.
I have also had eye test a few weeks ago and they said my eyes were healthy I just can't shift the anxiety what if I have a brain tumour or I'm going blind these thoughts won't leave my head
Lauren if it's any comfort today I have spent the whole day with the same thoughts, it's awful. I'm seeing my doctor first thing!
Hahaha twins 😂😂!! Not laughing (I am) us hypochondriacs are quite funny the stuff we come out with!! If I can't get in to see the doctor I'll go dentist instead to see if my mouths okay!! Xx
Don't think it's a laughing matter.
I'm not laughing at you!
Ah ok! 😊

Yeah thats a good idea just go to dentist for a check up make sure everything is fine im gonna go to docs again they are gonna end up banning me from the surgery if I carry on taking up the docs time with my very serious illnesses lol
😂😂 I feel awful when I go doctors but it's so comforting.. My doctor doesn't even call my name out anymore he taps me on the shoulder & tells me to go have a seat and he'll be in soon!! He's seen more of me than my boyfriend 😂 X
Mind playing trickso n us all... ... I try to find an elemento f humour in n Mon stop anxiety..if I didn't then God only knows where and how I'd be xxx
Thankyou for everyones reply it is very comforting to know im not alone with these thoughts but I try and have a laugh about it because sometimes it makes the thoughts go away. Xxx
It could pink eye but more likely an allergy to makeup, dust in the air and sometimes just a strain of your eye muscle. Dry eyes can cause that feeling as well. Ask your doctor for an over the counter pure eye drops. Don't get anything with preservatives in it. You are probably thinking how could your eye be dry if it is tearing. It is just nature's way of protecting your eye when irritated. Take care, try not to worry.