Just got a call from the clinic today, I was just there with my optometrist yesterday. She said he made an urgent referral for me to see a retina specialist, she called me quite early. I think it has to do with my eye pressure and I am so scared for this brain tumor assumption coming to life. He made it so quick and urgent I am crying at work right now. My nightmare is coming true. I am about to call to make an appointment to the specialist, but this feels so bad. Plus my headache and horrible floaters, unbalanced feeling is not helping. I am too young. I am only 21 and already dealing with alot. My mom just had a lung tumor removed and more pressure on the family would not help.
Scared/ Urgent referral : Just got a call... - Anxiety Support
Scared/ Urgent referral

janeths466 did you see my reply and all the others to your last post? x
Hope all is well love keep us posted!!
Maybe you lack a vitamin. Some things don't always connect. Try and calm down
You sound so much like me. I'm worried that I have a brain tumor too. In a panic state about it. But...I do think thay your eye dr. would refer you to a neurologist if he thought you had a tumor. Not a retina specialist. Eye drs. can tell if you have intracranial pressure, but even if you do, it doesn't mean you have a BT. Please try to stay calm. Easier said than done, I know. ❤❤
That makes alot of sense Melly1209. Why refer only to retina specialist and not a neurologist if he/she suspected a tumor? Janeth sometimes we don't think straight when we are wrought with fear of the worst, as Melly has just pointed out. The unbalanced feeling might be due to your anxiety - I had this. Comes and goes and at its worst I too thought I had a tumor, which then fed back into the anxiety and in turn made the unbalanced feeling worse etc. etc... viscous circle. It has been gone for almost a year but came back recently after several back to back stressful life events so I know it's from that.
I would suggest you give The Fear Cure a read, even if only the first few chapters (they're the most relevant). It is a very calming read and it brought my anxiety down significantly.
This is a weird question but do you happen to take any form of birth control? I did for PCOS symptoms and it actually caused my optic nerves to swell. My ophthalmologist made me go to a neuro-ophthalmologist bc she found increased pressure on my optic nerves. I too was convinced it was a tumor — also had visual disturbances and things like that. I had to stop taking the BC bc it was causing lots of other side effects, including high BP. By the time I went to the neuro-ophthalmologist everything was normal and she told me I had the healthiest eyes she had seen all week; and the exact same test that showed me off the charts were all within normal range. I still have major floaters and visual snow but know that I absolutely cannot handle increased estrogen or anything that messes with my hormones bc of increased pressure in my head and eyes.