Anyone else get a shock like panic sensation right before falling into a deep sleep? This is so weird and has been happening for years now. Some worse then others. Would be nice if some of you could shed some light my way.
Thank you😊
Anyone else get a shock like panic sensation right before falling into a deep sleep? This is so weird and has been happening for years now. Some worse then others. Would be nice if some of you could shed some light my way.
Thank you😊
Anxiety is so weird and unique to us all mine is right when im about to go to sleep i feel as if im falling ! was really scary at first would try n stay up until i couldnt anymore, finally stopped caring about it and its better
Or its horrendous I'm the same takes me ages to go to sleep feels as tho I'm sailing and sinking makes me jump x
I have been diagnosed with sleep palatalization its a feeling of like your asleep and wake at the same time.. its always very frighting.. I get this feeling like something is going to happen and when I try to move I cant.. I try to hell for help and I cant.. my husband said I was sleeping one day and I was reaching and trying to say something but my lips didn't move.. it happens most of the time at the begging of falling asleep.. and when trying to wake up in the am.
It's not normal tho is it ha ha got to lol sometimes x