Hi, i'm 34 years old and a mom to a lovely 2 year old. I used to have panic attacks and depression when i was younger for different reasons but after I gave birth my whole body changed. I suffered from postpartum depression and anxiety attacks. I was medicated for over a year bur decided to cut it off and start healing naturally. Thank God, the panic attacks ceased, but the anxiety is still there. I have all kinds of symptoms mainly the dizziness, light headedness and fatigue. This last one is driving me crazy as i might wake up one day super recharged and then by afternoon i just can't cope, i just want to lie down. But having a toddler means being on the go all day long. I feel guilty that sometimes i can't keep up with her i'm tired of always feeling tired and without energy. Ran all kinds of tests, Brain MRI, heart electro and everything came out just fine. In the doctors' eyes i'm very healthy but on the inside i'm just an emotional wreck. Oh and the worst of all is that i started with all these kinds of twitches and spasms that get worse when i'm stressed. They're so bad that sometimes i can't do anything for a few minutes but wait for it to pass. God what a mess!!!
Ever since i gave birth: Hi, i'm 34 years... - Anxiety Support
Ever since i gave birth
Same as me i got 4 year old son.. My anxiety started last april but its not diagnosed yet i still have tests to do.. I had all the test ecg maybe 5 times everytime i go to the clinic, stress test,ekg and 24hr holter,ct scan, blood tests,xray and next week appoinment with neurologist because i always get dizzy and terrible headaches... In the morning i got energy or sometimes while im too tired seems like i have to force my body to work.. Its like im running to get home to get some rest, the good thing is i got my mom with me who watch my son so that i can have some rest. I know its hard but we got to be strong for our kid/s i even wanted to have another baby but im to worried i might not cant cope with the pregnancy and giving birth because of my anxiety..you will be alrigth just focus into your baby.. If u need someone to talk everyone here helps..
Hi Greyen, thanx for your reply. I feel totally the same about having the second baby. My husband and i would like to start trying to conceive by next summer but i'm afraid i would not be able to cope and that the anxiety would be doubled. We'll have to be think about it for a while though.
Thanx for your support xxxx

U know the feeling that part of you wants to have a baby and the other part is not because of worrying things what might pregnancy bring to us... Its frustrating to have this thoughts, we just have to support each other in this battle because we are the only ones who understands whats happening to us...
That's 100% true. My first pregnancy was besutiful and smooth but the delivery was a whole different matter. We're strong enough to want to go through it again so how come aren't we strong enough to live with it after?!

thats how anxiety works i hope it will go away one day and can be our self again how good is that...back to normal, hoping one day it will come.
I have five boys my anxiety came out the blue a full blown panic attack on a bus when my second baby was six weeks I went on to have another three take my advice don't have any more lol. I'm horrendous with mine do u feel of balance with anxiety x
Oh yeah everyday while working but its a bit alright for the past few days when i felt dizzy or off balance i sat down and take deep breaths luckily it goes away..try yours... Yesterday i was in a bus standing because its full i take deep breaths grab my fon trying to read anything to get off lucking it went away..
Haha i'll probably stop at number two after that i'll deal with whatever emotion comes my way. Women are strong and mothers are even more so i'll just hope for the best and keep trying to stay calm. Meanwhile the symptoms are a pain in the a**. Lol
Have u done something to overcome your anxiety???
In shops etc so sick of feeling exhausted it's not normal my first panic attack was in bus so never been on one since x
Personally, i've started taking vitamin B12 as supplement as it improves the nervous system. They also say that vitamin D3 and Magnesium do wonders as long as you stick to the prescribed daily dosage. Need to try those. I've bought adult coloring books and they do wonders i'm telling you. Also listen to yoga music whenever I have time especially at night. And before i sleep i try to do a 10 minutes beginner meditation and concentrate on your breathing. That really helps big time. When i used to get panic attacks the only way to cope with it is to get up and walk. Change rooms, talk to my sisters or Mom. Just distract myself and wait till it goes, after all they say what's the worse that can happen when u get a panic attack! You don't really get a heart attack from a panic attack so if you talk to yourself matter of factly about it, it will eventually disappear. And ofcourse i exercise at least 2 times a week, that sets my endorphins on fire and it helps improve your mood big time. But on those days when i'm extremely fatigued, even if i'm tired i just take a shot of vitamin C and head to the park with my toddler and my friend and her toddler. That does wonders as well. It's a long path to being completely healthy again but i'm trying to get there step by step. After all doctors and tests agree i'm healthy i just need to reset my mind to believe that myself. You're a great support by the way. Thank you xx

Yeah thats good i take magnesium and vit d and fish oil everyday.havent tried b12...good to hear that at least slowly u can overcome the anxiet, those were thevthings i do too i really try to do exercise everyday in the house not going to the gym anymore if no one is going with me got scared i might faint in there and no one is around...much welcome at least will support each other in this battle..
Or wow I take multivitamins and iron tabs I've been the way I am seven year the symtons ya wouldn't therr just anxiety it's so unreal I feel like a cant walk mist the time ha ha and ye nice talking anytime xx
I Always take a drink and summit to eat every were I go even if it's just to me mams round corner x