Hey guys im from iceland so sorry if i spell something wrong hope you understand.
it all starter when i my girlfreind got a virus that can cause meningitis and it was diagnosed late,
and you know what couple do so i was pretty sure i had that virus to and i was gonna die from meningitis,
becuse everyone keept saying it was just anxiety and i was just freaking out, i bought that and soon its just wore off and i was back to my old me, one night i was just chillin watching a move and suddenly my heart started pumping really fast and me that get freaked out easily i just made it worse, my mom and dad talked my out of this and again they said it was anxiety but this time i didnt listen, so nothing happend much after that other than i was shaking and scared to go to sleep. but it soon wore off,
(btw i have had struggle with marijuana im 16 and sometimes i smoke heavily and no problem but i think this has a big part of the things im going thru, im not smoking now and im not planing to do no more)
the problem that i have to day is im getting really dizzy mostly when im tired and im scared that there is some health problems going on, i went to the doctor 2 and i told him what i have been going thru i thought i was going to have stroke because i have pain in my neck to the left and it has been for days,
im still thinking that im going to have a stroke, my heart is raising and slowing, and mostly everything that isnt normal freaks me out. i was not a anxiety person and had no problem with depression but my doctor and my parents tell me i have depression but it dont feel that way, all im asking is what the f is going on, i feel so unnormal, im not scared of having anxity im scared of some health issues that im going to wake up in hospital completely paralyzed or something in that way, i cant stop googleing because i need know if im alright, im really tired of people saying its just anxity but please be honest and if you think this is anxiety than say it, if its anxiety will i get over it will i ever be normal? thats the only thing in the whole world i want right now to just sit down and watch a movie and play video games with out thinking im dying? this very annoying and im getting pist but i cant help it me myself is saying im fine but my brain is like dude your dying your gonna drop down in ay second. im sorry for the wrong spelling hope you can read, tell me everything that i need to know if this is anxiety something that will help me get out of that zone. and if you thing this is somekinda health issue say that to even tho i will get paranoid but that will mby save my life <3