I'm trying to relax took muscle relaxer and klonopin. Hoping they help me sleep. My Dad is in intensive care and I can't bear the thought of it. It breaks my heart. So now I'm having trouble breathing can't relax feeling sick. Don't know how to cope 😥
Can't relax Dad in hospital: I'm trying to... - Anxiety Support
Can't relax Dad in hospital
Chubbers, I am so sorry...and I am sending healing energy and a bright white light to surround the both of you. This might help: keep picturing your Dad as laughing, smiling, sitting and eating his favorite dessert... see him as HAPPY and WELL.... and you are right there, smiling with him. DO NOT picture him in Intensive Care... I promise you this is good for him...AND you...
Be sure to take some deep breaths and tell yourself to relax... I am spiritual, but not religious... whatever you are (it honestly matters not!) just know you are supported by a Loving Spirit and Universe and all will go as it should. Sending you love and hugs,
Betty thank you do very much! Bless your heart! I am picturing him eating brownies and chocolate marshmallow ice cream!!! I'm picturing him singing his favorite Elvis songs😊 thank you for this advice I never would have thought of it. Love song hugs -Cheryl (my real name 💛)
Praying for you Cheryl. Ask God to help you relax and help you understand what is going on. Speaking to a hospital chaplain might help you and him, if he's conscious. It is obvious that you love your dad very much and I'm sure you have whispered that in his ear. He is blessed to have such a caring daughter.
Thank you. He is sedated and cannot talk or open his eyes. I sang him a song and prayed for him. This is so hard and I already deal with anxiety. I've taken my fair share of Klonopin and muscle relaxers. It's 3:00am and I woke up already. I said please God is this just a dream??? I wish.... It's more like a nightmare. Im so beyond sad. I hope for him to be able to talk to me again. I'm afraid I'm gonna get so upset and pass out. I don't feel so good. Thank you for your prayers. Death is my biggest anxiety. This is so difficult. 😥 they are going to try a plasma exchange on him today with hope the Vasculitis hasn't affected his lungs too badly. His kidneys are already beyond and he would always be on dialysis. Oh God I love him. My dear sweet Daddy.
Poor you. I lost my daddy 6 months ago but he was very old - it still doesn't help with the pain. I am praying for you and your daddy xx
Its not easy to relax and feel normal when your loved one in in hospital. I can related to your problem. We need someone to comfort us and let us know that things will be fine. You have to be strong in order to be there for your dad. Do self talk that things will be fine. take deep breaths breathe in through your nose hold it for a few seconds and exhale through your mouth. Pray for your dad and think positive. hope that your dad makes a quick recovery.
Cheryl, this prayer has helped me "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference." May God help you to relax. Take deep breaths and try to think about the good times you had with your dad. He wouldn't want you to be sad. You never know what the future holds. God might give you many more years with your dad. Try not to think about the worst thing that could happen. Read a good book or watch a good movie. Read Psalm 100 and Psalm 23 in the bible. Your dad is not old. I'm 68:+)