Waking up in the middle of the night feeling like I can't breath and worried about my heart need advice
Can't sleep again: Waking up in the middle... - Anxiety Support
Can't sleep again
Hey! Are you still up??
Yes tried to sleep but just started panicking felt like i was having a stroke or heart attack with shooting pains in neck and feeling like I can't feel my heart beat it's so scary

That pain is also worrying. ...it. IS all in 6ou head. I am always having M6 family physician do x-rays and sc@scans for all kinds of things people gs. If I was half as sick as I feel or think I feel I'd be dead already. Try to think that your life is wrth so much more and you deserve to have e comfortable and happy. Hopefully you will convince yourself!! ♡ Be kind to yourself hon....Y O U. deserve it! GODSPEED!
I live that way....it seems all the things I need to think about or forgot to do all comes to the forefront of my brain just when I need to sleep. I am a constant worrier anyways....and I wish it was WORRIOR INSTEAD!
I just feel like my mind is constantly in this anxious state and I can't function
I'm sorry to hear your going through this.
I ateee with TammyDavisJr001 said so long as you have had tests and everything is okay. Then you know it's all in your head. Two main Problems is anxiety can cause unpleasant physical symptoms which just confuse us further regarding our health. Talking through experience, I am recovering from a asthma flare up and it's taking a long time and all the worry about if I'm getting worse or making no progress affected my sleep which then caused me to be irritable and migraines. But after talking with friends, family and listening to podcasts I've began to relax a lot more which in turn has allowed me to sleep a lot more soundly.
The other is more awareness of your bodily functions, accept them. Know that your still alive after all of this it's not harming you, take comfort in that and relax.
There is no quick fix to anxiety it's a gradual process, take each day at a time.
This is very helpful thank you