Does anyone ever feel like the room is spinning last night before I went to sleep I was looking up at my room and it looked like it was spinning and i tried to walk and i felt like I had to hold on to something I got really scared and I felt tingling feelings in my body I still feel it now and I feel weak and REALLY weird I'm really scared 😯
Room spinning, feel like I don't have balance - Anxiety Support
Room spinning, feel like I don't have balance

Yes. Had that a year ago and dr said it was vertigo. It was terribly scary. I hope u feel better! Hang in there 😊
Yes all the time...I'm lightheaded dizzy and I have pressure in my ears so bad I have to wear cotton balls sometimes... My feet tingle daily...anxiety has manyyy symptoms...I often feel unbalanced like I'm being pulled to one sucks
I feel like this all the time. I feel like the room suddenly tilts, and I've had the spinning. I don't know what it is that causes it, but I hate it!
Yes , all the time dizzy room spinning hold on to stuff ! Try not to worry get your ears checked , try and rest . It does get better. This web site does wonders most people have had similar symptoms and it helps you put things into perspective . Good luck.