This morning I woke up @ 7am and told myself im not going to smoke cigarettes anymore. I went all day feeling fine till 9 tonight and had to take 3 drags when I did I got hella dizzy. My anxiety kinda started. So I was wondering if any of u quit how do u cope with ur anxiety and try not to smoke. Did u go cold turkey? Slow down? Pills? Patches? Gum?
Sooo: This morning I woke up @ 7am and told... - Anxiety Support
Im not gonna be much help but i am trying to quit smoking and im so scared! When i go more then three or four hours i get dizzy when smoking and freak out so it makes me not want to quit. My fiance made me get an ecig and i try to replace at least one cigarette a day with it. My friend who smoked for almost 15 years just quit in january but using the e cig and weening herself off until the cigarette just made her sick. But im so worried about the head aches and sick feelings!! But over all the personal conversations i have had with smokers they say the ecig helped them quit. For me it felt like i had just smoked a real cig and made the craving go away but am just worried about with drawals. It only has nicotine and no chemicals. Hope i helped a bit!? Good luck! Im in the same boat!
Hi there megs, First of all well done on deciding to quit. I have been quit for 2 years now and I used an inhalator to help me. There are plenty of nicotine replacement products to choose from. There is plenty of help out there , dont be afraid to ask. Try going on to the other community Quit support there is lots of advice on there , and Emjay the advisor is brilliant. That site certainly helped me. I still have a chat on there.
Whatever you decide keep strong and positive, your anxiety may even settle down once you are nicotine free.
Take care. xx
I have quit so many times...................! For what it's worth I tried everything but always slipped off the wagon so I smoked for 60+ years. January 28th 2010 I got my first e-cig and have never smoked, or wanted to smoke again. All the pleasure of my life-long habit without any of the pain - we crave the nicotine, but it's the tar that kills us. Good luck.