I have this new feeling of something blocking my throat,always trying to cough it out but its not working.the doctor said there's nothing wrong with my throat and lungs.has anybody had this same symptoms,advice pls.its driving me nuts!
new symptoms?: I have this new feeling of... - Anxiety Support
new symptoms?

Hi jasper yes had the same this week to the point feels like something stuck in my throat then like someone trying to choke me..I know it's scary but I'm sure it's just part of this anxiety
Yeah; i get this all the time, very bizarre really, but i try not to think about this and it goes away on it's own accord. Quite literally the more you think about it; the more prominent it seems - If that makes any sense.
I have, it could be just anxiety, it could also be digestion related (which by the way can also cause the anxiety!). I was struggling wtih this exact symptom (and many more related to my anxiety). I've cleared it all up now by addressing my digestion. if you can, see a functional medicine doctor, they specialize in treating the whole person and can find the underlying cause when it may be seemingly unrelated. You can find a functional medicine doctor here: functionalmedicine.org/prac...
I have exactly the same symptoms. Have had it on and off for the last few years now. I have a tickle in my throat that makes me want to either cough or take a very deep breathe in. It's even worse if I'm doing something which increases my heart rate, like walking up the stairs where I'm focussing more on my breathing. It's like a choking sensation, where I can't seem to ever get the full breath I need.
I've been to the doctor so many times now but each time my lungs are clear, oxygen levels at full capacity, my throat is fine and the doctor cannot find any reason for it other than Anxiety. The more I think about it the worse it is and has now become a habit. I sleep fine, so it can't really be physical? I have so many times thought the doctor must have missed some thing because it feels physical!
However, the doctor has said there may be some physical elements causing the tickle, like post nasal drip as I suffer with quite a lot of allergies and seasonal asthma, or it could be silent reflux so has prescribed me some tablets to see if it helps. I'm also about to start therapy and am on 20 mg of citalopram. Trying to hit it from all angles!
Hope this helps,