symptoms: Dizziness, i can't laugh the way i used to be, Headaches everywhere, anxiety, feeling of an heart attack going, blurred vision, floaters (had it since i was a kid), feeling hopeless, balancing problems like adjusting my feet when standing, i cant remember things recently. it all started when i searched brain tumor symptoms.
Anxiety or Brain Tumor: symptoms: Dizziness... - Anxiety Support
Anxiety or Brain Tumor

That sounds all just like myself, honestly I don't think it's a brain tumour or most people would have one, just try and relax and think to yourself you are overthinking the worst possibilities and it seems like it's making you feel awful. You're alive and that's the best gift you could get, take each day at a time, we are all going to die one day... It's what you do with your life that defines you xxxx
Hope you start feeling better x

it actually freaked me out once. btw your comment make me feel like im not the only one
Thank You!
Aw well I can only try, just take baby steps, you're alive and that's amazing in its self. I hope the sun is shinning where you are today maybe try and go for a walk and think to yourself all the good things you have in your life and cherish them. your doing so well as it is, just try and not let it beat you xx
Wouldn't worry about a brain tumour I had all those symptoms for months then they went away then suddenly for the last 4 months pins and needles in hands and feet 24/7? try looking that up to shit you up?? the body and mind are very powerful you need to ignor and think of something else.
Hi ryko340 ,
The first thing I would tell you, is to STOP searching for symptoms on the internet it only makes your anxiety worse. Since you have had floater since you were a kid, that means its not a new symptom. I have had floater for 20 years and I know that if you go looking for them , they will continue without a break. If you are feeling hopeless and depressed , your anxiety will only take control both physically and emotionally, you have to change your way of thinking. If you put time and energy into fixing your anxiety instead of the time and energy you use to search the internet you will start to feel better. force yourself to take a walk, drink chamomile tea and watch something on TV that is funny. If you want to research something, look up stuff that will only benefit you and make you feel empowered like walking, tea for anxiety and other things that are scientifically proven to help Cognitive Behavior Therapy where you can find the entire program for free.
Hello ryko
Just checking in to see how your doing and I also have a lot of the same symptoms as you and like you I googled my symptoms and I am now convinced there's something wrong with my heart even tho drs tell me differently and I'm always so concerned about my heart that it's making my symptoms worse