So ive been posting in this group for over 2 years with my symptoms and issues. I've been suffering from confusion spells with a steady declining mental state, my memory is getting bad along with my sense of time feeling warped and insomnia. I've had many tests done. 3 mris 3 ct scans mutiple eegs tons of blood work ranging from cbc to lyme and heavy metal tests. I've had many hormone tests and even a ultrasound of my heart. I really don't know what to do and I'm coming to you guys truly desperate for answers can any of you please help and give me advice for my next moves thank you so much
Brain tumor anxiety: So ive been posting in... - Anxiety Support
Brain tumor anxiety

Well stress is bad for your mental state so you'll not be helping yourself there. Also, do you get enough good food, vitamins and minerals ?. Lack of minerals can have some really big effects on you, insomnia, brain fog, confusion, anxiety and depression, tension and poor memory.
I don't know what your symptoms are but my mother and a close male friend both had brain tumours which had symptoms and then one MRI scan which confirmed it.
By what you have told me there I'd say you're lack magnesium in your diet and even a blood test will come up negative ok because of the it is regulated in the body. Buy some magnesium glycinate and take it, also a multivitamin and do excerise.
I am not a Doctor but after 2 years , seeing Doctors and having tests if you had a Brain Tumour you would have long since had it and would not still be here , this sounds more like Health Anxiety which can give you so many physical symptoms that you actually do feel because you are focused into them so much but the only problem is when we have this we can have all the tests in the world , keep going back for reassurance but it will only last a short while and give us relief for a short while before the anxiety triggers of again and starts telling us the " Yes But's " again maybe they are missing something maybe this and maybe that , but maybe if we learn how to reverse the thought process we have got in these symptoms would go away
When you feel all these symptoms rather than fear them start making reason with them
Maybe like this
So I feel this and that , but I have felt this way over 2 years , I have had all the tests done , all come back fine , so if it were anything serious I would not be here so this has to be my anxiety , there is no other explanation for it , and I have to accept anxiety is my issue and for today I am going to believe that
Ask yourself , what evidence have you got that you actually have got a Brain Tumour ?
Then ask yourself
What evidence have I got that I don't have a Brain tumour ? ( answer to this I would think would be all the tests you have had done say No as well as the Doctors who are the professionals )
Maybe look into getting some therapy to help with reversing your thinking process , even if you have had therapy before it can be well worth going back and trying again
If you cannot get therapy go on line and put in Health anxiety and see what comes up , don't google any illness just look at the advise on how to help yourself overcome your Health Anxiety
I really hope with small steps you can start making changes that will help you as I know very well how much this can affect you and your quality of life but it can get better , small steps and you will get there , key is start accepting you suffer with anxiety and not the illness your anxiety want's you to believe so it can stay in control , take that control back
Take Care x
Thank you guys your reassurance helps