Im struggling too cope...: Ive been taking... - Anxiety Support

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Im struggling too cope...

4 Replies

Ive been taking omeprazole for about 2 weeks ow I currently stop taking it because I feel like my stomach and burping has gotten worse from it and the last week or so I've been feeling like Im gonna throw up but I don't and I end up burping which relieves the discomfort but then i get the weird feeling again in my tummy like I'm gonna belch, I was supposed too take it I guess before breakfast but my doctor told me I can't take it whenever I first eat I guess, and with my anxiety lately its hard to get out of bed some days due too the lack of sleep I get and I would take it sometimes after I ate my first meals idk if this would be life threaten or so I stopped the meds 2 days ago I believe but idk if I'm ever gonna be normal, I posted earlier about taking care of my sick GF and over thinking stuff so idk , every time I try too eat I have a lost of appetite and I feel like throwing up idk what I should do. I'm thinking about making a appointment but I'm scared and I know I post a lot about my concerns and sometimes I post twice a day and I feel like I'm a burden sometimes…Im trying too stay positive but I feel like all I'm doing right now is thinking the worst and I'm hungry but I don't have the energy too get up right now and I'm also on paxil and idk if that would give me and upset stomach too. my mom says no matter what meds your taking you should always be eating I just feel like I'm gonna keep getting worst and not be able too go back too the gym and do my mixed martial arts the only things that calms me and helps me….

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4 Replies


I would go back to the G/P and tell him what you have just said on here. I am the worlds worse over thinker so you are not alone there. if the meds are doing you more harm than good you need to explain this to G/P.

You need to eat and I am sure a doctor will understand.

Don't worry about how many posts you put on here this is what the site is for okay.

gardener x

Morning, I agree with Gardener. You need to speak to your GP about your worries. We are always here and about so it really doesn't matter how many posts you put on so don't worry about that

Take care x


I saw your reply on your other post but thought I would try & answer you on here :-)

First please don't worry how often you need to post that is what the site is here for & some need to post more often , others occasionally & then of course eventually people find they can answer posts & offer their support & that is how it works , so never feel guilty about having to post :-)

I have had the burping problem & had it explained to me that when we are anxious we gulp in air which leaves these pockets of air that get trapped inside causing the burping issue

I have to admit the explanation made sense to me & once I had stopped fearing what was happening my anxiety went down over it & now I don't have the problem any more or not very often !

I do think unless medication says" Don't take with food " it is always advisable to take them with food , from my own experience it can leave your stomach upset & make you feel sick if you take them with an empty stomach or very little food in you

Seems from what you have said though that your GP may have advised you to take these on an empty stomach

Not sure how many a day you are suppose to be taking but when I have had meds that you have to take on an empty stomach I have either took them an hour before I eat or in between meals

If you have stopped taking them I would have a word with your GP , tell them how you were feeling on them there maybe something more suitable they can give you

I know when we feel anxious we can struggle to eat but if you can try & eat little & often it really does help , maybe try & distract yourself by watching TV as you have your breakfast or dinner or tea so you are not so focused in your mind over eating , I know I have done that before when I have been struggling & it has helped

Try not to worry about tomorrow & will I get to the gym & so on this can puts pressure on us & with that it causes more anxiety , as much as you can try & stay in the day & I am sure eventually all the things you enjoy doing you will feel up to doing them again :-)

You are doing really well & your GF is so lucky to have a BF like you that has taken such good care of her while she has had this nasty bug , so if you can try & focus in on all the positive things about you as I can see there are many for you to feel proud of :-)




Maribee profile image

I dunno what Paxil or IDK is but I know Omeprazol....I take it an hour before I want to eat as it puts a lining on your's for when your stomach produces too much acid.....thus is what us causing your burps.....take it before you set and give it a chance to do its job.

I know it sounds impossible but try to relax when you do eat as if you let anxiety take hold it releases stuff in your brain which then upsets your stomach! It's a vicious circle !!when I can't sleep I take 10mg Phenergen tablet which you can buy over the counter in Boots or chemist....they are really for travel sickness and anti histamine if you get stung but they help you sleep and, best of all, they are non-addictive!!! Recommended to me by the doctor! Far better than sleeping tablets which can be addictive.

Is it possible that your other tablets are interacting in a bad way?

I would suggest going back to the GP if the above doesn't work...

Your mom is right, she us obviously really worried about you.

You kind if sound as tho you have lost control of your decision making?.......make a list if things you are going to

Take pills an hour before eating breakfast, dyou take 20mg?this is what I take but if it gets bad then 60mg but only if very bad. Also you only need to take them once a day not every meal!! could make your mum a cup if tea in bed at the same time.....

Take Phenergen for two or three nights,see if that helps.

Get back to the fitness routine as soon as you can.

Take back control.

Good luck

And ?NO you are not a burden....the burden is the problems you are going thro....don't worry. You can sort this....

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