No sleep again.....: I don't know why I just... - Anxiety Support

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No sleep again.....

Kimmieblue profile image
35 Replies

I don't know why I just can't sleep lately, my head just won't let me if that sounds right!!!

Honestly the nearer it gets to bedtime the more nervous I become almost telling myself not to bother going to bed because you're not going to get any sleep, it's just awful.

I've tried just about everything and it's so annoying because my husband can sleep through anything.

Oh well let's go and try again, after my third warm drink!!

I hope everyone's having a good nights sleep.

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Kimmieblue profile image
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35 Replies
Adorable1 profile image

Hi I'm out of the uk time zone at the moment, it's only 10 pm where I I'm not sleeping yet either..

No quick fire answers for you I'm afraid, although I do know when ya can't sleep it's awful...nothing worse than thinking you are the only one awake out there..

From my experience if you try too hard to sleep it don't come...

I usually get up, and do something read, or watch a movie. And try again an hr later...

It's difficult without knowing a little more but I found the herbal remedies worked for me , like Kalms, they seemed to relax me....

Sue xxx

mimii profile image

Hey kimmie, hope you got some sleep I have problems with this too it's so annoying , especially when my hubbys snoring away happily :D

Have been reading a book recently called The effortless sleep method by Sasha Stephens who was a chronic insomniac, found it quite helpful though have woken up too early today and started thinking about old arguments and what I should have said !! What is the point in that I ask myself??!

Im back at work today so at least I wont be late :D

Mimii xx

24HourVegasDoc profile image

If your mind is like mine, it just keeps going even when you hit the brakes. Best thing to do is lay in bed and just wait. The more pressure you put on yourself, the less likely you are to get sleep. Let your mind wander and eventually nature will do the rest. Our minds can be torturous beasts. If you make peace with the idea of operating on 3-4 hours of sleep or rest a night, your mind will give up. I have faith that you can outwit yourself (if that makes sense). I hope you get a full nights rest.

I am with 24 hour Vegas Doc on this. Sometimes we have to trick ourselves into getting our brain to do what we want. Believe me I have had plenty of experience as I get panic attacks and having adrenaline course through my veins for 12 hours a night is not what I want!! When I cant sleep and I have all sorts of things srunning through my head I have done the same as the others, got up... had a hot drink or a biscuit, watched a little TV then gone back to bed. Ive even just curled up on the sofa waited until I got sleepy then went to bed... maybe a change of "venue" might trick your brain as you are not going to "bed"...

If nothing works and Im still in bed not sleeping I tell myself "it's ok I'm not sleeping, I'm still lying down and getting rest so I will enjoy the feel of being in a nice warm bed with soft pillows etc and just enjoy that." It seems to work as the next minute the alarms going off!

Hope this can help a little...

Anxietyang profile image

Have you tried Kalms sleep? I use them when I'm anxious and they work for me most of the time. I ask pharmacist first and they are ok with my sertraline but you best check about you. They are far better than the day time ones. Not sure if its the placebo effect but if it works who cares. X

Kimmieblue profile image

Thank you all for your advice. It was so nice to wake up and find so many replies... yes I said wake up.. I did actually manage around 2 and a half hours finally. Still feeling like it wasn't proper sleep though. . If that sounds right. I will try anything but thats just it I'm trying too hard. Must try to relax more. Thats impossible though!. Anxiety and depression, if affects so many of us. Best wishes to you all. Hope you have a really good day. X

in reply to Kimmieblue

Hi Kimmieblue glad you did finally drop of but 2 and a half hours isn't enough sleep I agree with you it doesn't feel like a proper sleep it must be the citropram. Can't remember if I asked you before how long have you been taking them. Hope you have a good day. Xx

Kimmieblue profile image
Kimmieblue in reply to

Hi cloggs1, I've only been on Citalapram for a couple of weeks, but I've had them in the past and they worked quite well for me. The trouble is I was working then so once I felt better I went back to work, and that seemed to help. However I've left work now as I'm in my late 50s and I'm finding I have time to dwell on things, this of course is not good so I try to keep busy but this can make me stressed and not able to sleep. I feel I'm fighting against myself ... I know that sounds ridiculous but it's because I run away from negative thoughts instead of trying to ignore them. Hard to put into words. How are you anyway? How are you sleeping now? I remember you said that you were only managing to sleep until around 3am. Hope you're having a good day so far. X

in reply to Kimmieblue

Hi Kimmieblue I had a better night last night woke about 3.30 but managed to get back to sleep until 6 and then decided to get up. I've been taking my tablets for 1 month side effects were bad to start with still have upset stomachs hoping they will go soon. I have suffered with anxiety of and on for a long time I was diagnosed with cervical cancer about 15 years ago had my all clear after 5 years and my daughter aged 25 was diagnosed with it I was a nervous wreck but I kept trying to fight it. December was the last straw I lost my dad when he was 65 and as my 65 th birthday was December I thought I was going the same way. I gave in and went to the doctors who prescribed citropram. Sorry to go on and hope you do manage to get a good night tonight. Xx

Kimmieblue profile image
Kimmieblue in reply to

Oh my word you've really had some things thrown at you. I'm so sorry and I truly hope the Citalapram is helping. Do you feel it is? Anxiety and depression show up in our lives at times, and when you've had it once it keeps on coming back. I wonder why that is.

Congratulations on reaching that wonderful age of 65, and I hope you start to feel much better soon.

It certainly sounds as though you had a little better sleep last night so all the best for a good night tonight. X

in reply to Kimmieblue

Thanks Kimmieblue yes I think the tablets are working keep posting and hope you have a good night

in reply to Kimmieblue

Hi Kimmieblue what sort of night did you have. I had a terrible night very restless went to bed at 11 and still awake at 5.30. Hope yours was better xx

Kimmieblue profile image
Kimmieblue in reply to

Hi Cloggs1, I did have a bit better night, couldn't get off very well and woke around 4.10am, but I think I had around 3 and a half hours in all, trouble is, it doesn't feel like proper sleep cos your still as tired when you wake (if not even more so)!! I'm trying the travel sickness tablet tonight that someone on here advised me about. I did go up last night at around 10pm cos I thought I would try more routine to my nights but it still took some time to settle. Can't function very well when I've had little sleep for over a week so I've just sat around today. Sorry to hear you've had such an awful night, that's ALL night with no sleep!!, terrible...I know how you feel. Do you feel ok in yourself with the meds or do you think it's them that's causing your sleepless nights? Either way I really hope you manage some sleep tonight. X

in reply to Kimmieblue

Hi Kimmieblue just come back from the doctors had my phnumonia injection she says she thinks it's a combination of the tablets and jet lag. I asked how long before the body gets back to normal from jet lag she said it takes about 2 weeks so plenty more bad nights. Can you take those tablets with citropram if you can I will get some tomorrow .xx

Kimmieblue profile image
Kimmieblue in reply to

Hiya Cloggs1, Phenergen is a travel sickness pill and I suppose that's it, that it helps you relax and sleep through a journey rather than feeling tense and sick.

I didn't ask about taking it with Citalapram, it's usually ok to take most things with that, I was more concerned with my Warfarin, I have to report to the Warfarin clinic anything I'm thinking of taking cos it has such a dramatic effect, couldn't get hold of them today so I had better wait until I've spoken with someone about them, really tempted to take one tonight though cos I'd try anything!!

I'm going to have a hot bath at 9pm tonight and read a little then switch off the light and think of nothing!! Hopefully I'll get a better night. I hope you have a better night tonight too. All the best. X

in reply to Kimmieblue

Yes check first before you take it. I usually find a hot bath does the trick I had my bath taken out which I was upset about I had a knee replacement so had to have a shower room. I hope you manage some sleep tonight. Xx

AnxietyRiddled profile image
AnxietyRiddled in reply to Kimmieblue

I completely get that. Have you ever thought about seeing a doctor for it? I suffer from OCD and anxiety. I have a low dose of .5 mg of Xanax. I only take it when I am absolutely a mess, when all my other coping strategies have failed me. Xanax does help me immensely. Sometimes just knowing it's there helps calm me. Tonight was terrible, but I am trying to tell myself it's okay. I won't feel great, but tonight is a new night. Hope you have been sleeping better!

nickimonae profile image

I try drinkin a cup of hot coco to try and relax my jumping nerves

GertrudeMary profile image

I've just invested in a S.A.D lamp to see if that would help, there are lots of reviews out there that indicate that they do help, I've just come back from a 3 week holiday down-under and I have to say just getting natural light made such a world of difference to my sleep and wellbeing that I've got high hopes for the lamp!

ruby4me profile image

Snap Kimmie that was me too last night! It's getting to the stage where I can't get to sleep at least once a week now and I don't know why. Fortunately for me I don't have to get up for work and I feel for those who do when they've had a sleepless night! The annoying thing is that it makes you so lethargic all next day grrr


Kimmieblue profile image
Kimmieblue in reply to ruby4me

Hi Ruby, I don't work either and I have no idea how I'd manage if I did, like yourself I feel for those who are suffering with this dreaded illness and if they don't sleep on top of it, then goodness knows how they cope. I try to push myself every day to go out with the dog or go to the shop, maybe for a short swim or something, but I also suffer with Atrial Fibrillation so I feel shattered with no sleep!! My nerves feel like they are tingling through my body and my heart is beating in my chest. It's an awful thing and the reason I don't sleep is because I'm so wound up, like a coiled spring. How come you aren't sleeping? Are you suffering with anxiety at present? Well I wish you all the best in your quest for sleep tonight. X

ruby4me profile image
ruby4me in reply to Kimmieblue

Hi again Kimmie thanks for your reply. The reason I don't sleep is because I have thoughts running through my head as soon as I hit the pillow. At the moment my ex marital house is being sold and although it's straight forward, it's just when I go there all the old feelings of what ifs and maybe's come back! Then when I come home I feel so sad! Anyway they say time is a great healer, after 5 yrs I wish it would hurry up! Hugs to all xx

Kimmieblue profile image
Kimmieblue in reply to ruby4me

Hi Ruby, I'm so sorry you're having sleep problems too, honestly I wouldn't wish all this on anyone. I think you're really brave having to deal with your old marital home, it must be awful. Still I hope you can be strong and I really hope you find a future with love and understanding. Keep posting. We can support each other and anyone else unable to sleep. X

jules2105 profile image


I'm really struggling with sleep too, I have constant ringing in my ears and cannot switch off. I have started a regime this week to go bed at 10.30, read for 30 mins and then listen to a paul mckenna control stress relaxation cd. I'm still struggling to switch off after the cd but have been getting to slerp by about 12.30 which is better than it was last week, I.e more like 3.00.

I start back work tomorrow so know I need to start getting up earlier, its not going to be easy when I'm knackered all the time!

I have also put a pad and pen by my bed so I can write down things I need to do if they keep going around my head

not sure if this helps but just wanted to let you know youre not alone

Jules x

Kimmieblue profile image
Kimmieblue in reply to jules2105

Thanks Jules, great idea to start a regime, I think I'll try that myself, maybe get myself into a routine instead of putting off my bedtime and being nervy about it. I've never listened to a relaxation cd perhaps that's something else I can try. Thanks Jules. X

Maribee profile image

I empathise,last night was the same for me...the more you worry about it the worse it gets.

Try 10 mg Phenergen(tablet) an hour before you need to's a travel sickness pill ,you can buy it from Boots over the counter and it's non addictive.

If 10 doesn't work try 20 mg.

Good luck.

Kimmieblue profile image
Kimmieblue in reply to Maribee

Phenergen, thanks so much I'll get to Boots tomorrow. Fingers crossed because this is something I've never tried before, hopefully it'll work for me. X

Maribee profile image
Maribee in reply to Maribee

One of the docs at the surgery recommended them to me...better check first if you are on other meds with the pharmacist at Boots.

I'm also on Losec for stomach acid, blood pressure pills and Thyroxine, it's OK with them.


You have had some great advise but just to let you know I had read your post :-)

Let us know how you are & hope you get a bit better sleep tonight :-)




Kimmieblue profile image
Kimmieblue in reply to

Thank you Whywhy and I hope you've had a good day, I'm trying to plan a routine around my bedtime like going to bed at the same time each night and reading for a while before I try to get off to sleep....worth a go. Thanks again. X

Maribee profile image
Maribee in reply to Kimmieblue

I also like to read before I go to sleep...word of warning tho....I can't resist books you just can't put down...try not to read anything too exciting or too gory...sometimes a magazine is better....same with ?TV....anything political puts my blood pressure up, also mysteries ,murder and mayhem....

Not much left eh ???

Kimmieblue profile image
Kimmieblue in reply to Maribee

Ha you're right there, that consists of virtually everything on tv!! I'll try something light, hopefully it'll bore me into sleep LOL!! X

Maribee profile image
Maribee in reply to Kimmieblue

My hubby always goes to sleep the minute his head hits the pillow lucky devil..he days 'just empty your mind !'...if only !!!

bwotechi profile image

try brainwave optimization. It works.

AnxietyRiddled profile image

I am currently like that. I was good for a few weeks after I had a few panic attacks at night, but today wasn't great. I couldn't sleep at all. My brain wouldn't shut off and my body was so fidgety because I was so anxious. I was so worried about having another panic attack. It's 7 am and I haven't slept at all. I am so deeply exhausted.

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