I need help: Hi everyone I have been off... - Anxiety Support

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I need help

10 Replies

Hi everyone

I have been off with stress and anxiety for a week and have been signed off another week from work I am finding it so hard I feel down lonely emotional feel like I'm going mad is this all signs of anxiety or could it be something worse I'm so worried

10 Replies

Hi Jess & Welcome

No you are not going mad , even though I understand anxiety can make you feel you are , especially when you first experience the symptoms

Other than sign you of work did your GP offer you any other support ?

Keep talking on here ,you will get lots of support & realize you are not alone with how you feel & things do get better :-)




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Hi yes he gave me some book and I'm on some tablets but I'm just finding it so hard I have good days and bad days but I feel as though I'm not me anymore and am so worried I won't ever get to the way I was :(

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The more we worry the more we feel fear & then the anxiety , I no its easier said than done especially in the beginning but if you can accept the bad days as unpleasant as they are it eliminates the fear we feel & control anxiety can have over us

It takes time though , but you will feel like you used to again :-)


dragonna profile image
dragonna in reply to

Hi Jess - most medications for anxiety take at least 2 to 4 weeks to kick in, though you may feel some of the side effects as soon as you start taking them, dealing with anxiety is all about time, there are no quick fixes. Acceptance is KEY to coping and dealing with anxiety.

On the bad days, accept them as just that and use them to do all the SIMPLE things that you have been meaning to do for months e.g. tidying out drawers and cupboards are fantastic for passing the time instead of sitting there or pacing the rooms worrying and feeding the anxiety. Simple tasks helps your breathing to become normal, they do not need major decisions that feed the anxiety and at the end of the day you can say to yourself 'yes I've had a bad day' but in accepting it as just that 'a bad day' you can then say 'BUT I've managed to do this ..... and that.......and it feels just fine, I feel good about that'. Always try and remember something positive about a' bad day', it really does help.

Thank you I will try that as today I am having a bad day :( my anxitey stops me from wanting to do things and when I go out sometimes it's that bad I end up having a panic attack is this normal anxitey behaviour?

Hi Jess

I am in the same position as you. I am taking meds and am off work. I know how scary you can feel and how isolated with all these horrible feelings. As dragonna said the meds take awhile to take effect. It is really hard I know but we will come through it. We are not mad our nervous system is just overloaded. It is hard to explain to others who don't suffer. But we are all here and feel the way you do and are all here to support you and each other.

I have been having panic attacks too as well as horrible ruminating thoughts. I have been given lorazepam to help. I am also very lucky to have started seeing a cpn.


I am home alone now and all over a sudden got a rush of panic I don't no what to do!!

Hi Jess

Are you ok hun? The key is to try not to be afraid of how you feel, if you add fear you give the panic more energy and the panic takes over. Try to sit comfy as much as you can and just notice your breathing try to take a breath and let it out slowly, if you overbreathe you will go dizzy. Don't be afraid this feeling will pass - let us know your ok love eve x

Hi Jess.

Try and calm down, take deep breaths and slowly let them out as if your blowing a candle out I find it helps me will be here if needed

Kenny xxxxx

Hi again thank you I have calmed down now I think it's because I've been with somebody nearly all week and to be left alone really scared me it's horrible cause I have never been like this!! Took my mind off it by wrapping presents just feel a little drained now xx

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