Palpatations?: Hi I suffer with palps and... - Anxiety Support

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Hi I suffer with palps and they can vary ie sometimes stronger than others. I have been checked by a cardiologist and had every test which is reassuring. My question is though does anyone get pain when getting them and what are ur sensations when u feel one? And are they always when ur anxious xxx

30 Replies

I think palpitation are extremely common in anxiety. There was a survey about people going to a+e with chest pains palps and suspected heart attacks and about 70% were a result of indigestion or anxiety or stress. If you have had all the tests you will be ok. Do you have much caffeine that can be a cause. Take care

Hi holly no I don't. I always get weird sensation in my throat ect and that's settled now the palps are back lol. I just wondered what other interpretation where. I have had every test. My hearts in a sinus rhythm, I had a 5 day ECG 15 ECgs and an echo which was normal and seen the consultant. I have been told that I have a 1 % risk factor if heart disease because if my mum having had a heart attack and having angina. As my cholesterol is good bp excellent I don't smoke or drink and currently walk every day and losing weight. My electrolytes are good as well as my thyroid

It seems to me apart from the anxiety you are very healthy. I think the odds of 1% are very good. I think your main problem is the same as mine and that is not being able to accept that nothing is physically wrong with you and needing reassurance. It is very difficult to break this cycle. Are you on any meds for anxiety or counselling. Take care

Iam constantly like that holly. I get chest pains panic palps weird sensations ect and no I wonder why I get these physical symptoms when I actually feel fine. Nope don't want meds and Iam having some telephone therapy that looks at exposure and breaking this cycle if thinking

For the last 2 years I have had pain and muscle twitching mainly in my legs but also in other areas. I have seen several doctors but still can't accept that it's only stress or a minor illness. I don't always feel anxious but the symptoms persist. It is so hard for us to believe anyone and hoping on the Internet doesn't help

CardiffGirl80 profile image

Mine feel like someone is dancing on my chest. It's like a flutter but it's scary!

I'm having quite bad papitations today, I did have a few drinks last night, so maybe that's something to do with it :-( x

matosh profile image
matosh in reply to

Yes u right palpitations r common if u had a drink but mine they come whether i had it or not. They r worse at night when there r no distractions to listen to and u r only listening to ur heart beatinf fast and loud.

When u say bad Hun can u describe it? How often do u all have them? Ashley I read yesterday that they are harmless but feel in pleasant! Holly that's my problems how can I be ok and have these physical symptoms. I am trying a new health anxiety book about ways to try and overcome it so that's live with it rather than fearing it. Xx

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I can feel the churning in my stomach starts then all of a sudden my heart flutters and it catches my breath, right now I feel like someone is gripping my left lung really really right and it tickles right up into my throat so I feel I have to cough. Xxx

matosh profile image

Been suffering from palpitations ever since i can remember but they subsided over years. I lost count of how many ECG's i 've had and all normal. Been an anxious and a worrying person for a long time but it never controlled my life, but as i was growing up facing more challenges in life it became a problem and affected my confidence and assertiveness., in turn this has caused so many problems at work, now i don't enjoy going to work at all.

Palpitations are worse at night i can hear my heart beats loud and fast in my ears especially if lying on left side, sometimes i have to lie on my back just to avoid listening to my heart beats.Last night i was counting my heart rate repeatedly to reassure myself. It can be very scary, i will be thinking about all possible causes and unable to sleep. I started taking amitryptilline few months ago and one of its side effects is palpitations bt then it can be a slow heart rate, so not sure now whether these are caused by these tablets. I'm also taking Blood Pressure tablets which have their own side effects.

When i'm anxoius and having palpitations they are accompanied by a pain under my left breast which as well i had for long time.

I've seen cardiologists and done a test to reassure there was nothing wrong and i was reassured for a while until the symptoms reappear again.

I'm seeing my GP this week to talk about these palpitations and chest pains so she can refer me for a full heart check, the thing is i'm at risk because i suffer from HBP. I

Hey Matosh. That's exactly like me. I have had 15 ECgs, and echocardiogram, 5 day event recorder, seen a cardiologist, had cholesterol check bp check and al my other risk factors are fine. I have to continue to loose weight and that's it. My mum has angina and that's a risk factor. I too get chest pains and the palps differ in are severity. How many year u been having them?

matosh profile image
matosh in reply to

Hi Loopyl210, o! i think its more than 15 years now since having palpitations but the severity was not so much as now, so they came and go and didnt really worry about them too much as tests were normal. But now i worry because i have risk factor of High blood pressure, and feel my heart is working too hard. sorry for taking long to answer haven't chance to log on.

Loopy. From my experience people with HA start with a mild problem eg palps and because you focus on them they become worse. Palps are so common and remember that 33% of referrals doctors get they can't give a diagnosis. You may not think you re stressed but it could be subconscious. I am sure the doctors would have found something. I have spoken to my son who is a cardiology nurse and he says the checks you have had will not have missed anything. I hope you find this reassuring. Can you focus your attention on something else. Let me know how you are getting on

Ah thanks holly that is lovely of u I also have a friend in cardiology and that was exactly the same as she said. I think ur right I had a palp and it's spiraled. What made me worse was they kept saying their was a slight change on the ECG turns out that's normal for me it's my anatomy and that's that. I have to rember I seen a cardiologist with 40 years experience who was with me an hour looking at test ect and at the end said I was lovely and healthy loose some more weight and enjoy my life :-)

Remember you are not alone most of us are in the same position. Think of your HA as a bully. Get rid of it don't let it rule your life. Take care. Speak to you soon

Hi anyone ever had a palpitation the feels like someone squeezes ur heart for a second? So u get a pain with it? Sorry just had one and curious xx

matosh profile image
matosh in reply to

Hi Loopy, i get exactly that but usually comes with an unpleasant anxious provoking thoutht although sometimes its uprupt not connected to anything. But the subconscious thoughts do play havoc with anxious minds producing all these symptoms.

Just keep saying to yourself, the doctors didn't find anything

No I know it just happened when I was walking back from the shop. I felt fine then bang. I done really well at work. See I have so many different kinds now I just wonder if other are the same. I get the fluttering, I got the feeling like I did today then I get the pulsing in my throat to my stomach. I do try and tell myself that holly but i also get scared and think god why do one day they are worse than others. Then I will think what if iam completely missing my symptoms. On a positive note iam knackerd from working today so that means I will sleep well

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You sound just like me x

matosh profile image
matosh in reply to

Loopy, i can relate to what u r feeling. one minute i'm fine and healthy, the next i feel like a ' walking time bomb'. All the best

Do u get pain with them? Xx

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It's not a pain per se, but it makes my chest hurt. But I think that's maybe cause I tense up when I feel it happening. Xx

Yeah see when I have a bad one like today it literally was for a second but felt someone was squeezing my heart for a second that was it then it went but it scared me. However I know they are unpleasant and that's obviously what iam experiencing xxx

I don't get chest problems, but feel like someone is squeezing my leg muscles. I think you are tensing your muscle without realising it. I am probably doing the same. If it happens try taking a few deep slow breaths. I am sure the doctors haven't missed anything. I can talk to you but can't convince myself. Keep texting and hopefully both of us will learn to accept and stop seeking reassurance. Take care. Xxx

Thanks holly yes today much more positive I can't change they are happening and no I have had every test so I need to believe them. I mean they come be go and yesterday's one was horrible but lasted all of a second :-) xxx

Hi Matosh. Ur right they re just very unpleasant and we can't change that but they are totally harmless I sent u a message.

Indigestion can cause similar problems might be worth looking at. Bye for now

Shelly2013 profile image

I get them also, some are stronger then others. It seems as so mine come before my menstrual cycle or when I've eaten to much sugar. I don't get any pain jus a fluttering sometimes and hard beat. Scares me but I've been told by my cardiologist that these are nothing to worry about. If I worry I will notice them more. Good luck to you.

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