Can't believe anxiety can do this.... - Anxiety Support

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Can't believe anxiety can do this....

21 Replies

Well considering I get my results tomorrow I had a good day... Kept myself busy and not to many symptoms or worry... Well felt up for food shopping so off I went with my fiancé and bam out of no where I feel like I'm trying to stand up on a rollercoaster :( I drove back and when I'm moving in the car I feel fine but when I stopped, bosh, I start spinning... I'm home now and have tried to settle myself down but I can't believe anxiety can do this, I'm fearing the worse tomorrow :( I get worried that I've got a tumour or epilepsy and when I get this dizziness it's the start of a seizure and I'm about to go as in collapse or die :(

I'm really strugiling and don't know what to do :(

21 Replies

It's getting worse :( I've literally said my goodbyes to my fiancé :( I feel like I'm honestly about to die....nits awful :(

Oh Hun it's awful when it strikes like that... It is anxiety that is doing this...I use to have those dizzy spells.... Not any more as I do Mindfulness. Try or Head Space both very good apps. They just help to slow every thing down and help you keep a positive mind. Trust me it does help... Hope this help ..... Hugs xxx

Thanks for your reply, I've had a few people recommend mindfulness but can't find much about it... Could you help? Thanks :)

Hey fed up , whats happening here then :o

You better un say bye to your fiance , if he isnt already on the floor in shock at your statement because you are not going any where , for a long , long time , even though this flipping anxiety , is playing tricks on your mind at the moment & telling you otherwise !

We knew you would have some wobbly moments , & its so understandable , so would I , but in a few more hours you will get those results & when you see , nothing is going to happen to you , you will have peace of mind & all these sensations you are having will start to calm down & go away

I understand your fear & you are doing so well , you have got this far & are nearly there hun

Please try & remember , if anything had been life threatening , they would have had you in ASP , but they didnt

Try & relax the best you can & throw the thoughts out , sing in your mind , watch TV , anything , & tell these thoughts to do one , because everything is going to be OK

Maybe a nice big hug from your OH , might help , he might need one just as much as you


Post & let us no how it goes , what time are you going ?




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I said ungoodbye, I'm worried if this carries on I'm going to loose him :( well appointments at 4.15, god know how I will wait that long tomorrow, will have to keep myself busy at work....

I seem to of got myself back to a reasonable state now but I'm feeling pretty pants :( I just hate it when it hits me out the blue like that... That's what makes me feel its not anxiety causing my symptoms :(

I am proud of myself as I am still going to work and haven't had a day off in 6 months but this anxiety is getting worse and so is my dizziness :( I just hope tomorrow goes ok then I need a big kick up the bottom to get myself back on track!!

It's the dizziness that scares me, I think it's the thought of fainting or just going :( I never have fainted but feeling that ill scares me to death!!

I will definitely let you all know how tomorrow goes!! :) keep your fingers crossed for me :) x

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Well I am pleased you have reversed the goodbye , as its not needed & you wont loose him , he loves you just the way you are & thats why he is with you & no one else , you need to believe that

We can forget when this anxiety engulf's us that we have a lot of good qualities & I no you will have & thats why he is there with you :)

Dont add more fear to what you are feeling , even though i no we can tend to do this when we are in a state

You have done well & going to work , not having time of , I cant do that , you must be so much stronger than what you think you no

These dizzy spells , I get them out of the blue , had one the other day , was stood in the kitchen & it came on , I really thought I was going , took some time to focus & find my way back in the room & sit down till I started feeling better

I no you think it came out of the blue , but if you think about it you have been worked up on & of for a while , the adrenalin that goes around are bodies when we are worked up takes ages sometimes to level out & thats when all of a sudden I feel we get these bouts & think "where has that come from " its still trying to settle down from last time

Its going to be OK , you will get through tomorrow & you can maybe sneak on here while you are at work if you need to :-/

I will be thinking about you & look out for your post later :)


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Thanks Whywhy :) I am worked up your right... What a mess aye :p...

I can guarantee I will be on here tomorrow.. Thans for all your support :)

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Will you be taking someone with you ?

I always do as when I am anxious , it helps so they can listen to & then later I can ask them what was said , if I forget or am unsure


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I'm taking my fiancés mum, all my family are down south so not able to come, she's come to most my appointments so glad she's coming :)

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Oh thats good , I always take my friend even though I have family around me , but she deals with me the best in these situations :)


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hello fedup

I so relate to your post so much, i don't know what tests you are waiting for but i have been through so many for my light headed / dizziness, feeling faint. The tilt table, balance test, brain scans, heart and blood pressure monitors, heart scans, MRI with all results being ok. Like you I'm still going to work but do find i struggle most days and don't know how i get through it and do find myself clock watching and counting down the hours waiting for home time. I really don't know what this dizziness is and i seem to get it even when I'm not anxious about anything. It really scares me too and i feel i will faint and that's why i don't go out to far on my own. My husband rang me at work today to see how i was feeling and i said I'm sick of feeling like a bag of s..t. cos that's how i feel. I do hope you go on ok with your test results I'm sure you'll be ok.

big hug from me x

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Hi hunnybug, just had my second mri, all clear...

They don't know what the dizziness is... I think it's all anxiety tbh :( it's crap but at least it's nothing serious... I'm feeling pretty down considering I had the all clear, maybe it's just the tiredness from the relief!

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I'm so pleased you got the all clear and completely understand you still feeling down cos although we have both got the all clear in tests it doesn't take our dizziness away and still makes us feel that they have missed something but i expect that's all in our heads as we are so susceptible and sensitive to these thoughts. We now have to concentrate on coming to terms with having anxiety which is all in our heads and not a serious. We will get through this but i believe it takes time and patience. So lets say from today we will have a good day and ignore the horrid feelings.

take it easy today. hugs x

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Hi Hunnybug... Well I am off for some CBT on Saturday and have purchased Claire Weeks books after lots of recommendations so I will now be tackling the anxiety rather than the medical route as I have been signed off now from 2 ENT's a Cardiologist and a Neurosurgeon...

hopefully I can beat this, I just need to remind myself that its not going to happen over night.. I am rather impatient you see...

Thanks xx

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Hello back fedup.

I have Dr Claire weeks book with me here at work and i'm reading it for the third time, i keep referring back to pages i find relevant and help me.

Me to have no patience as far as getting better but i'v read so much about it wont happen over night just like a broken leg won't heal, we'v got to give it time. Iv had 6 CBT sessions which i found useful so i'm sure you will too. take care x

Hi Hun I have sent u a little message :-) xx

jules2105 profile image

Hi, I have also been told mindfulness might help. I have found the following website which looks useful - its really horrible when the worry starts taking over, good luck for tomorrow and hope everthing goes ok :)

in reply to jules2105

Thank you I will take a look :)

You can google mindfulness or ask your doctor. Xx

Jeffju profile image

All the best for tomorrow and like whywhy said I am sure if anything was awful they would have told you by now. I am like you and go to work quite well, keeps my mind away from being anxious. Try mindfulness or meditation. I also have a relaxation cd which is really good for me.Thinking of you, Julie xx

in reply to Jeffju

Thanks Julie :) will let you know how I get on, I'm going to look into mindfulness :)

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