Here I am back from my hols with mum in London. Weather was hot..... did a medieval banquet, saw we will rock you, went to Covent garden, Hampton court flower show (i thought the mushroom house was lush) and strolled along the south bank watching the street entertainment. Had a few drinkies along the way and laughed a lot!!! Glad to see everyone. Hope you are all doing as best as you can. Take care x
Hello my lovies: Here I am back from my hols... - Anxiety Support
Hello my lovies

Hi Love the pic & mushroom house looks lovely
Any chance you have brought it back with you , thought it would look nice in Rose's garden
Great to see you had a lovely time , i am really pleased for you & nice to see you on here as well , even though some of us are still trying to find are way round or even get on for that matter lol
Hi yes brought one back with me. Hope rose has got a dingly Dell to put it in! How are you x
I am sure she will find one , I just hope she has found the garden here lol
The heat is getting to me a little & the new site I have to admit I am struggling , but other than that not to bad thank you
Its getting better though as more familiar names are popping up & I hope people yet to speak , will soon feel they can & things will feel more normal
Must admit new site not so easy to use x
Nice to see you back, is that the mushroom from 'The one show'? It sounds like you've had a great time xxx