if someone had told me two years ago that I’d be having my fight or flight on and off a good chunk of the day and dealing with waves of anxiety because of it, I would have laughed. In hindsight, a lot now makes sense. Last January of 2024 I got out of a 13 year emotionally abusive relationship/marriage. Shortly after (literally a week after papers were submitted) I relocated from California to Florida, and my mom shortly after that had a stroke in February 2024. In the process of finalizing divorce papers (because the paperwork has court delays) and being there for my mom, I began experiencing somatic symptoms that would later become full on anxiety attacks. And then finally on July of 2024 I experienced my first panic attacks. I at the time thought it was a heart attack, which I would then learn at the ER was not the case, and if anything I was physically super healthy.
I was given an initial diagnosis of panic disorder (although I haven’t had a panic attack since then), and put on lexapro. The medication unfortunately made things worse (it was not a good fit). I got off the medication in August and got switched to buspirone in October. I was so bad at this time I could barely leave my house, concentrate, watch tv, shower, or even move. It was the worst time of my life. And although fast forward it’s March, I’m able to drive to places, work, attend events, clean, cook lightly for myself, shower etc…every day is still very hard.
I feel my nervous system is at the point where it’s trying to balance itself to baseline (it goes up and down all the time)—-the anxiety that persists hits me like waves sometimes for hours at a time, showing me what stable looks like and then what unease feels like. I feel like I’m getting close to baseline…but it’s soul wrenching sometimes. And I have to make a lot of effort to be busy and present and not fall into thinking about anxiety to have a decent productive day. Some days are easier…and I’m getting more of those, but it’s still so very hard. And when it’s bad it feels so incredibly scary and permanent. Like I broke my brain because of trauma.
The reason I’m writing this is honestly because I feel so alone. I have been fighting and pushing to get better, and I feel like I’m failing all the time. I’m not myself and I know I’ll be a different version when I’m fully healed. My goal is to be a better happier and healed version at the end of this. I just don’t know when I’ll be fully at baseline and my nervous system would be fully calibrated. It’s hard. Again I feel so alone in this almost like it’s a sci fi movie. The only reason I know I’m not crazy is because of my therapist and the EMDR work we’re doing. He constantly reminds me trauma can heightened your autonomic nervous system and that’s what I’m experiencing. Again though…it’s just hard.
Any hopeful messages of people who’ve come through the other side of this dysregualtion would be amazing. Again it just feels lonely. I feel also like a weirdo because people predict people to be better after 6 months and I’ve blown past that. October is considered my starting point but even so… I don’t even think timelines are worth holding onto anyone. My therapist predicts by July I’ll be doing much much better…again…i don’t know and all of that is so frightening.