I have been taking fluoxetine for a week. I don’t have much luck with anti depressants. Having awful side effects with sertraline and amitriptyline I have now started with shaky hands and I feel very wound up. . Has anybody else had this. It’s making me more anxious.
shakes with fluoxetine : I have been... - Anxiety and Depre...
shakes with fluoxetine

Hello there
I too have had terrible side effects from every antidepressant that I have tried over the years. I managed to settle on Citalopram at a very low dose (10mg) for 7 years, came off for three years when I was doing really well in my life, then unfortunately had family problems and tried to get back on them, my body reacted very badly and I could just not function because of nausea and dizziness, tried several others, but the worse one for me was Sertraline, which I was only on for two days and it made me so sick and had diarrhoea, so didn’t take any more.
So fast forward to 3 weeks ago, I started on 250mg of St John’s Wort and it has had a very positive effect on me, my panic, anxiety and depression levels have definitely dropped and I can go out with friends again. I was not confident that they would work for me, being as it is a sold over the counter supplement.
Some of us can’t tolerate certain antidepressants, but it can also take time to get into your system and lots of people push through initial bad side effects and eventually they go away and the pills start doing their job for you. I just couldn’t function in my day to day life and did give the other antidepressants that I tried a good go, but Sertraline was the worst first me. Oddly two of my friends are on this medication and had no side effects at all and both of them are doing really well, mental health wise.
Good luck with your journey to getting better, you may find that in another week or so that these side effects go away.
You poor thing. The side effects can be so bad can’t they. I had a terrible experience with setraline too. I had palpitations and my heart was pounding and awful nausea. Again, like you, I know lots of people who are on it who have been fine and swear by it. I’m so happy you have found something that works for you. You get desperate don’t you. Thank you. I have just managed to catch up on an hours sleep. The tablets give me like adrenaline rushes day and night. Take care of yourself xxx
Many of us are very sensitive to medicine, including myself. I seemed to have tolerated Lexapro the best.
You will need work on this with you and your doctor. I hope you find the best one for you soon!