I've been in a rut for as long as I remember and I am so done with it. There is so much that I need to do but I just cannot help myself anymore. I have no energy left but I cannot give up, not yet. What worked for you? How did you manage to turn your life around? Any tips, no matter how little or basic, would be appreciated, I really am desperate. Thank you for reading and taking out time to reply, have a good life. 🌞
Stuck somewhere, can't get out. - Anxiety and Depre...
Stuck somewhere, can't get out.

I'm with you. I've done it before, many times but that was a long time ago now, but where I'm at right now for many years, I'm not sure it's possible to make it back to life. But I know you can, and I'm sorry I can't think now, but support is the most important thing that works, and thats why I wrote to let you know I'm here with you.
Thank you for being so considerate, support actually really helps. I am thinking of changing a few habits that I know are getting in way. I have also taken a conscious decision of decreasing world suck, one small deed a day, on a friend's suggestion. I want to let you know that I am here with you as well. We got this!
You want to change and that's good. Having the courage to step out of your comfort zone will help. A comfort zone is the place of false safety where we hold back from changing and growing. Therapy and support groups helped me. Finding a philosophy I believed in helped. Working the 12 Steps helped. Pick one place to start and go from there. You can do it! 🥰
Prioritize what all this stuff is your stuck in....is it stuff to do.....stuff to change....stuff to work on.... break it down.....simplify......what's the most important thing first....and so on....and do what you can for that day....and that's good enough.... one thing at a time.
One thing at a time makes so much sense, thank you for writing back.
I have to remind myself too to just stop....take a breath....and really simplify things the best I can. I get so caught up in fear of not doing things just right, and then I procrastinate, and then I just get paralyzed....stuck....and then I start to stagnate, and that leads to not feeling good about myself....it's a wicked spiral.....but.... we can stop and regroup....and go from there.
Hi Zeezou
In my opinion, there is a very precise way to problem solve most anything.
I believe I can help you see exactly where you are in that process. Start by writing down in sequential order what your symptoms are and diagnosises . How long, etc etc.
Is it genetic and chemical or is it environmental combination of both?
It’s an inexact science ,mental health, so write down as much as you can think about anything at all of where you’ve been with it all , up until today
It’s a proven fact that we are four times more likely to solve problems and reach goals , if we follow an exact process.
After diagnosis, then write down everything you can think of that you’ve tried to do to solve that problem.
How many docs, therapists, and other programs designed to help?
I would’ve killed for somebody that wanted to help like I’m doing and others on here are doing.
Want help?
Please let me know
I’m now basically symptom free. Yahoo!
The mistakes I ‘ve made are extremely sources also
“extremely valuable “
What I'm trying is: being positive, taking it one step and one day at a time, and being grateful to my Higher Power (Jesus Christ). There's research out there that shows that a positive attitude plus an attitude of gratitude in general can help combat depression. I hope this helps!
just start with one thing each day. Started walking then to the gym. From there to reading each morning. Started a grateful journal try to find something each to be grateful.
Thank you for the tips, I shall incorporate one thing in my daily routine that I know would make me feel good.