I have OCD...one thing that triggers are riddles that I can't solve.At work they did a fun game of getting to know your coworkers and it triggered my frustration. They have statements they wrote and you have to match the statement to the person. I was so fixated and irritable.
Someone was saying hi to me and I just went bleh.
One moment I was fine and then the next moment I had a down swing of just shit feeling. I woke up today and all I wanted to do was stay in bed...I had to force myself to eat something and I am just in down swing....I wanted to get healthy.... I feel just done today.
I am stressing about taxes and my phone is acting weird.
I did one thing today and that was a struggle to do...I called my insurance company and got a discount on my services. A small victory....but I am bleh....accountability was my thoughts yesterday and today I am a sloth wanting to just disappear.