I have a very odd anxiety trigger that I believe is some type of ptsd or something I’m unsure but no one in my life understands it or me and I feel so alone and crazy it’s like ummm okay pls jokes over can I be normal again… Anyways I have the biggest phobia of being high like weed high (some time other things can trigger it) but mainly weed and if I smell it or eat something without reading the labels I start to freak out I start to dissociate and my tongue feels weird and I get super hot. So then I start to panic and convince myself that something got me high and it take me 30 minutes to an hour to calm down from this. I just hate being a paranoid freak about it. Like anything I do it’s always in the back of my mind (could I get high?) and it’s honestly embarrassing to share with people in my life pls give me advice or tips!

Hi Dogmom8,
Please don’t let your unique condition upset you. Each of us is unique and experience the same thing in unique ways.
One thing that may help is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). I have mentioned it to others that post here.
CBT is a therapy where a person learns to recognize and deal with catastrophic thinking, uncontrollable anxiety and fear, depression, and other unwanted thoughts, feelings and behaviors. It can be as effective as, and work alongside medication, or by itself.
Therapist’s use CBT for a generally short duration of 10 to 20 sessions, where a client learns how to use CBT by themselves and practice it’s ideas.
And, it really helps. I know this from personal experience. It helped me with a severe “fear of failure” fear, anxiety and depression. See, we are each different.
Take care and hopes and wishes that you will find peace, comfort and happiness.
You will get a lot of well-intentioned but useless advice on here. You have every right to be upset.....CBT might help. Can you find one person you can lean on. Those that have suffered and still suffer might be amenable. Keep me posted. You do matter.
nosub4, I find your comment fairly rude and grossly inaccurate. I am sorry the advice you have asked for has been useless, but please remember, you are one person and the whole of the people here. Many of us have gained useful tips and/or advice in multiple areas of mental health, as-well-as support. Support at 1am when most people are asleep or have 0 empathy or understanding of how hard that is. Is everything posted here beneficial? No. Is some of it? Yes!
Thank you for recognizing the intention of most people here, but please consider recognizing the valuable life experiences people are sharing as-well-as pointing people to professionals that help.
Be Well
Hi there! I commend you on your courage to talk about this (I want to acknowledge that since you say it's very embarrassing to you). Well done for that!! Absolutely no judgement from me. I'm just sorry that it's so frustrating for you. I also want to say that you're not crazy at all. Everything you feel is very valid and very real.
Have you talked to a therapist about where this might be coming from?
Hi Dogmom! After reading your bio I thought it’s very important you talk to a therapist about what you have experienced. Too many ppl hold all this in them developed complications throughout their life.
I would also recommend CBT for that.
I think you're brave to talk about your anxiety. I think it's perfectly normal and you must've had some bad experience with marijuana that led you to your anxiety.Take care
Dogmom8..i have the up and down like that but i have High Bloodpressure and MS...pls consult a good doctor..that doesnt say its all in your head...many physical things including nutrition vitamins etc can be a cause. i hope you can find relief. thank you for comming here there are MANY great ideas. Best wishes.jj