Ok, so I’m very new to this support group but I’m having very high hopes for it. I need some help with something real quick. I have been professionally diagnosed with 4 disorders: Binge Eating Disorder, ADD, Major Depressive Disorder, And Generalized Anxiety Disorder. I’m currently on two medications to help with my anxiety and my depression, however they aren’t magic and I still get hints of them constantly, if not daily. I’ve been considering getting a psychiatric service dog because of how bad my mental health can be.
My depression can get especially bad. I won’t leave my room for days, I’ll break out into fits of rage, I’ll ignore my personal hygiene and go days to even weeks without showering, brushing my teeth, washing my face, etc., I won’t care about my school work, I’ll skip my meds, I’ll neglect basic chores, and I could go on and on. I’m going to be 18 next year and I’m scared of living alone. My family usually are here to somewhat pull me out of it but they only make it worse in the end.
Anxiety can be pretty awful too. I have anxiety over the smallest things and it’s insane. I get anxiety attacks from swings moving, guitars being tuned, blinds moving, just being in a new place, and heaven forbid I got to a car wash because I’ll be shaking and one the verge of tears the whole time.
I want your opinion since I know all of you have mental disorders as well, and I want to know if I qualify for a psychiatric service animal or if I should only need an ESA.