this is such a dumb post and I apologize but I have a dog and I feel guilty because I won’t be playing with her much since I’m sick. I will be napping a lot. I will take her outside when needed and try to walk her a bit but since I’m not feeling well I don’t foresee the walks being their usual length. I just feel guilty but there’s also not much that I can do.
Feeling guilty : this is such a dumb... - Anxiety and Depre...
Feeling guilty

Don't feel guilty. Dogs are fine if they mis a few days of exercise. Also, most importantly, she probably is aware that you are not well and is concerned herself. What kind of dog do you have? xx
I hope you feel better soon and don't worry at all about your dog. He/she will be happy just laying by your side.
Just make sure she knows she is loved 😘
Hi Daisy, your dog certainly senses that you aren't feeling well. Remember our furry friends
love us unconditionally. Concentrate on getting well soon and know that your dog will be
right by your side loving you for just being you. Sending my get well wishes to you xx
I am so with you on this one. My dog is my life! I feel so guilty not taking him for walks. I hate walking. When I’m having an episode and stuck in bed, I cry so hard for feeling like a bad mommy. He’s always right there with me and I feel bad that all he is doing is laying there. If I go somewhere and I can’t take him, I feel guilty for leaving him. My sig other says I love him more than I love people! He might just be right! You are not alone on this one.
Daisy425 if you could do me a favor? Stop apologizing!
You don't need to apologize for showing emotion or sharing how you feel. Your feelings are valid.
You feel sick and tired. That's perfectly okay. Why cause your sick? You love your doggy. I get that, I'm an animal lover too. So yeah you are going to feel a bit crappy and guilty for not being able to walk your doggy.
Don't worry you'll be okay in no time, just get plenty of sleep, water and juice. Your fur baby knows you are under the weather. Your fur baby will be waiting for you. Curled up next to you. ❤️
Sending love and hugs 🫂 ❤️
Well said CL3V3R-GIRL. Hit the nail on the head as usual.
I will be the 2nd one to say please stop apologising Daisy. This is one easy positive change to do. xx
you’re doing the best you can so don’t beat up yourself about it. She knows you love her and can sense you’re not feeling well. Consider walking her for 10 minutes today/tomorrow and try adding more time each day. It could be anywhere between 1-5 minutes. This would be great for you since you’ll be active and you get to spend time with her. I believe in you and wishing you the best of luck on your healing journey.
there’s nothing to feel guilty about. You’re providing for needs and that’s all you need to do right now. They don’t care. They just want to be with you and get loved. Hope you feel better soon.
Don't feel guilty, feel better soon and then get back to your regular schedule. I understand because I have a high energy dog and on really Rainey days she gets just enough to do her business. Take care of yourself so you can take good care of her when you feel better.
Do you have a neighbor you can trust to take her for a walk or a good friend?
Don't feel guilty. Your beautiful dog will be fine just being with you. Both my dogs passed away last month 2 days apart. I am heartbroken 💔 Just enjoy being with your dog. Precious times. I hope you feel better really soon 🙏 x
There is no dumb post. All you can do is your best.
I hope you feel better soon. xxx
Do you have a friend who she likes who could take her out?
u don’t need to feel bad I’m sure she knows ur not well as long as she can go outside to do her business then it’s fine I’m sure she loves you anyway because that’s the beauty of dogs they love you 🥰 unconditionally
She may be glad you're home and near her so much. I was sick for two weeks and my elderly cat was so happy. Just being there and letting her snuggle with you may keep her just as happy as her usual routine.
Don't feel guilty. But I understand where you are coming from. I felt guilty for leaving our fur babies at home alone over Christmas why we were out of town. They have emotions too. However, I came to the point, after a horrible year, I needed this trip with my family and oldest son ( I only see once a year) to get myself mentally stable again so I can be my best for them.