I sit here today and watched the kids open their presents I so enjoyed seeing their faces light up at what they received. It brought back so many memories of when I was a kid or even as an adult opening present or spending time with my family. I haven’t seen anyone in my family in almost 8 years and it breaks my heart just because of my husband and his stupid lifestyle that he kept hidden until I was already pregnant and in too deep with him.. Now we are in a town that really doesn’t have the resources to help me or my son get out so I’m forced to live my life this way cut off from my family they don’t even know that I am going to have surgery in a couple of week. I don’t even know if my parents are still alive (they are both in their 70’s and in pretty rough shape). I have a grandson that is almost a year old that I will probably never get to meet because of my husband. All I tell myself daily is I have 12 more years to live like this I don’t even know if I can make it though.. some days I go to bed at night and hope I never wake up but then I realize I have a son that needs me and I start feeling selfish for those thoughts. Bit today is really rough and I can’t help but wish I was dead or gone. I had to watch the kids so he could go and have his mid afternoon sex (he made his whores dress up in some stupid Santa’s outfits and put on makeup) I haven’t even been able to have sec in over a year and these bitches are walking around the house sporting hickeys on their necks.. like a f****** slap in the face. I am so depressed it’s not even funny I just want to give up and walk away and stop fighting but I know the minute I do that I will lose the most precious thing in the world. I can’t do that.. I truly hope everyone had a better Christmas..
Life sucks *trigger warning* - Anxiety and Depre...
Life sucks *trigger warning*

wow my heart really goes out to you I 🙏🏼 pray for you that you’ll get a better situation-I myself am having a painful tough day hugs to you(((((((hugs)))))) I do believe God cares for good people and wants better there is a hope for better world I’m praying for it for all good hearted people out there!!!💕💐💐🫶
Thank you I am sorry that you had a painful day yourself.. I hope it got better for you.. sometimes I wonder about God only because I feel let down at times . But it is what it is.. Anyways I hope your / week gets better as you go into the New Year.. I am already ready to take the tree down and put the decorations away and start getting the house ready/ cleaned up for the surgery. Talk to you later
Sweetie I'm so sorry you're going through so much . Keep on going your son needs you. Can you email or call your parents or siblings and have them help you to get out?
Take care
Thanks I tried to email my parents but my mom she’s old and I think losing her mind so when she would respond it was very hard to decipher what she was saying. I did talk to her for awhile but I couldn’t have her number written down obviously and I couldn’t save it in my phone and I never know when he’s going out and now I don’t have the privacy anymore since whore #2 is always around.. my sister and brother pretty much don’t speak to me in about 7 years. So I’m pretty much on my own. I left 1 time thanks to the help of my ex-husband but I ended up walking right into a drug den I didn’t even know he was using drugs. So I went from one terrible situation to another even worse situation. Like I said I have looked into shelters at one point in time I was told to f I haven’t been physically abused in the last 6 months they couldn’t help me.. Can you believe that nonsense? Where has all the help for people in my situation go? I mean I really want to get my ass beat up to get out.. I went through that a year ago and that was no fun I was trapped in my house with hardly a phone or any internet while my face/bruises healed..
OMG, that 's awful. Somehow you need help to get out of that situation, although I know sometimes it's more scary to change. I hope you will contact your family, and I even more hope you will leave your husband. What he's doing is abuse - quite honestly, it's something the police could get involved with. My heart bleeds for you - I do hope things will get better. x
You have a right to see and talk to anyone you want, I'm sure you know. Talk to or write online to whatever women's group is in your area about what's going on. You're definitely being abused. I was in a shelter twice, and didn't have to prove he hit me - mental abuse and cruelty were enough. Don't waste too much of your life with neverending suffering.
hi Dolphin, if you are legally married and have documented evidence of your husbands infidelity I’d think you have grounds for divorce.