Today I’m just so sick of crying over and over I can’t shake this anxiety that I feel! I’m so tired of feeling like this. I just need someone to vent to I guess
Drained : Today I’m just so sick of... - Anxiety and Depre...

hi Geniis78 soo sorry you’re going through this I’m having tough days myself! 💕really hope you will feel better soon!!
I’m really sorry you’re feeling this way. I’m here if you need to vent. Sometimes just talking about it can help. What’s been on your mind?
Hugs. Today is so wild. Im panicking all the time
Sorry to read you’re struggling too - hugs to you both! (((((((Hugs)))))))) you’re not alone others understand & do care!!
Thank you. Same to you. I can't stop crying. I panicked and acted up and im worried about the consequences but all day struggling
Oh noo I’m sorry 😔 do you wanna share about it??
My parents divorced and then dad got a child i had to hide that ik about, mom started drinking and i also had to hide. Now we broke and im worried if it's because of the drinking (if it's please don't tell me, i can't handle it) and dad abandoning us for his new family (if it's please don't tell me, i can't handle it). I can't get a job because of my mental illness. I have a sprained leg and im all alone. Well even not injured im all alone. Grandparents say my depression is because of sleeping late, bad eating, no exercise (basically calling me fat while im injured and have nowhere to go to train) and nobody understands the complex trauma altering my brain
Oh wow it is a lot you’re dealing with💕💐 I don’t know your age you sound on young side but it’s not important I’m assuming your at least out of high school/. ??
I'm 24 but i feel younger. Recently living alone, hopefully mom doesn't return, but she comes on Saturday and ruins me. I'm overwhelmed repairing the boiler, toilet, my leg. It's so damn hard
Oh I’m sorry that’s really rough & painful , sorry for delay in reply I’m out right now , but I’m trying to check comments as I’m able!
Your leg got hurt - ouch that’s not good !! What happened?
I sprained it
Oh sorry that’s painful hope it will heal well & up soon!!🦋 how are you doing today?
Thank you. All day couldn't get up from bed, couldn't breathe, didn't eat. The food i had in my fridge has probably expired. I'm lonely as hell. I called grandma but she was sick and got me worried. I am afraid it won't get better. Grandparents getting older, mom getting older, all of them drinking, dad and sis getting more and more alienated and moving to different cities. I am not progressing. I can't work nor get a disability
Oh my heart really goes out to you!! (((((((((Hugs to you))))))))) Also you are not alone
💕And please🙏🏼 care for yourself, you are here for a reason &you matter!! I’m still here , I’m checking messages cause I’d like to be here for you to chat with 🦋💐
definitely try to do some breathing exercises and I am praying for you to feel more hope!🙏🏼🫶 maybe listen to something uplifting, music or positive motivation asmr ,maybe a comforting or funny movie or a storybook that made you smile or feel comfort from!
I will. I need to try to eat first. Just i worry i will watch comforting stuff all night
Welcome to the community. I'm sorry you are struggling. This is a very supportive place. I hope you find what you need here
Hey hey hey. Be ready on yourself, do you have a yard or close to a park with a pond? You need to be outside with nature, more specifically by water. This has an immense calming affect because We are 70% water. Water is vibration, water has memory and energy, positive energy you can draw from. Just go have a seat or walk around the pond out along the shore and talk with yourself, positive talk like, I am getting healthier, I am strong and kind, things like that. When you talk to or about yourself your body doesn't know the difference of your serious or not, it responds to your positive and negative words. And of you don't know I'm saying words are spells, speak kindly to your cells, they will respond, but you must be consistent with what you tell yourself. This Will help. Cheers.
Thank you! This is a great idea, we do have a small lake here I will start doing that and yes I always try to talk positive on my life
Hey proudI'm proud of you already, remember NEVER QUIT, we need you. Cheers😇
Just a Lil pick you up, I work as an LPN, in spinal cord inpatient, I've seen what men and women are capable of when they can't or won't be able to walk, fed themselves, use a phone, They are my Heroes, and I'm a vet as well, we never know if it will be US, maybe cancer, diabetes, fibromyalgia, or poly trauma, so know that when you wake up in the am or pm, that the Choice is Yours my friend, you can do this, keep Doing mit trying, do what you Will. Prost my friend.
I am sorry that you are going through this. I hope that you feel better very soon.
Hope you feel better soon, xxx