We are stuck having to "abide" with the whims of the younger ruling generation, TV and Tech are stuffed up our noses, what if a person does not want to "smile with a plastic smile" whine, fit in with an effeminate, drag, trans society, "laugh at their 'humour', I'm normal and straight and retired, there MUST be a large amount of people who are sick and tired being subjected to their "way of life", present day society is subjected especially TV with their "childish, effeminate, loud, brash, 'in your face' , if your not in with us you are square, "way of life". I abhor technological aps, streaming, misinformation, disinformation, terms but that's just a sign of us oldies creaking at AI vocabulary!
The forgotten generation! Once you pa... - Anxiety and Depre...
The forgotten generation! Once you pass fifty, you're past it, not 'in', our views are passed over! Why are we not heard in general society?

I agree completely! I often feel like I’m invisible. Like you I’m normal, straight, and retired and I guess not relevant anymore. If I’m around the younger generation I feel like they’re never really listening to me, instead just placating me with a meager “Uh huh”. I detest the fact that I have to use a cell phone to communicate, and that no one leaves a message anymore. Is that too much to ask? Instead I’ve “learned” that I’m just supposed to call back any numbers that appear on my phone that called me. Sorry I’m sticking to my home phone, I guess I’ll never get any calls. It does seem like the younger generation is dictating the way we live and even if we do try to get on board we’re just ignored. They really could learn from us if they just listened. I always valued my elders.
I use a call and text phone, hanging in on my fingernails, must have smartphone for "greater security" absolute rubbish!! Had to get rid of my home phone, too many scam calls, simple call & text phone easier and cheaper but "not cool?", I have to have a plan B for everything these days usually if it involves smartphones, AI, internet, a plan C as well. As you say " They really could learn from us if they just listened. I always valued my elders." trouble is they don't, and I strongly believe they will eventually suffer because they did not listen and learn from their elders!
All they think about is their selves. My daughter included. It’s sad. If she is going through something I’m expected to be there for her, and I am. But if I’m going through hard times, like I am now, she doesn’t give me the time of day. Not even a how are you doing mom. It breaks my heart that she is this way. She is 31. Is this how they all are?
I wonder if all electricity sources were switched off for two weeks, no preparation, how this world would survive, no electric cars, no lights, no internet, no TV, and 😵🤐🤫 pure horror, no smartphones..... decent communication between each other "Hello, my name is...."
Hi, I am wondering where you feel this pressure coming from and why you feel pressured? Is it because everything is different to when you were growing up?
I'm 62 and appreciate everyone's differences and every generation is different.
I'm not really understanding where you are coming from. I don't feel any pressure whatsoever. As long as people are tolerant and respectful, anyone is welcome to me.
There are some things in different areas of any media that stereotype young people. Are you maybe reading from sources that are over-generalising a whole generation and have a hidden agenda.
I have worked with young people and the majority of them are inspirational and very caring. The world is a different place for them, with the internet and multiple identity choices (very complex).
It is each person's choice, nothing to do with anyone else unless a person is hurting someone else. And then it's that individual who needs to learn and mature, not a whole generation.
In my opinion, it is not them and us, it is just us all, whatever age.

I agree, 50is the new 40, wait till you get to your 70’s. lol
I love watching 70 - 100 year olds, still staying young in mind and spirit! ☺️

Those 70 - 100 year olds, may be still staying young in mind and spirit, but some certainly do not appreciate how the younger ruling society, are thrusting their "enjoyment" into every facile of our general lives !
Where are they thrusting it? They're not the TV programme makers. We're not forced to watch any programme or social media platform, we don't want to. I choose not to watch a lot of things on my laptop. I don't resent a whole generation for what is on TV or on technology.
I seek out what I love, animal rescues, documentaries and hobbies I love on social media. I also love time away from technology, walking, nature and gardening. We each have freedom to choose what we do in our own time.
And someone's sexual orientation or gender identity is their business, noone elses.
It is actually against the law in the UK to discriminate against someone's sexual orientation.
And someone's mannerisms is also their business. They're not out to offend anyone, it is who they are and who they want to be.
Do you realise the same people were around in our generation, but they were forced to hide! Good on these young people expressing their individuality! That is societal progression. We either move with the times and accommodate these wonderful young people or we become bitter.
I know what my choice is

Forget it Phoenix1992! its like I was saying to a friend of mine, like the power of AI, which we are ruled by, it's too late, society has been 'persuaded' to go in that direction, let the younger generation cut their own furrows, make their own mistakes, which I'm sure I did when I was in the "ruling society" my parents sure criticized me plenty of times!

Commercialism and technological AI, and the false "reverence" shown to them especially by the younger generation.

I agree with you. The pressure comes from rapid changes in society and media, which can feel overwhelming. But respecting differences and appreciating each generation's challenges is key. It's about mutual respect and finding common ground, regardless of age.
I get your frustration with the direction society, media, and technology are heading. It's tough when things feel forced or don't align with your values. You're not alone in feeling disconnected, and it's okay to hold onto your own way of life even if it's different from today's trends.
Technology didn't just appear...its a continuation from what went on before, so basically the present day older generation influenced the younger generation. You may not like it but it's here to stay, best to use it to our advantage.
At one time in the UK, people were incarcerated for being Gay. One of the most prominent being Oscar Wilde. I think, tolerance and inclusion should be accepted
Just because your over 50 doesn't mean that you have to have a bad attitude towards the younger generation and drag Trans as you call it. I think your just an angry person looking to blame others. If this offends that wasn't my purpose.
Hi I'm 74 and still working and I generally have young people working under me. I have found them, without exception to be caring and friendly people. True they love their electronic devices but that does not stop them from having conversations with me sometimes very deep conversations. They are all good hardworking kids. I agree that some places on the net put to much emphasis on not dating yourself by the way you dress etc. I really don't care about it. I choose to do what's comfortable for me! I have earned that right through many years of hard work. I was young and crazy once too but you grow out of it and they will too. I've learned a lot about electronics from them as well as teaching myself. There's good and bad in everything. Look for the good. It's there.
I just meant that some of the younger generation, not all, rely too much on technology, which I believe has got too much of a grip on general society, which I believe is wrong, all of us answer to its apps, and buttons, not 100% reliable, plenty of mistranslation, no freedom from them. There is too much emphasis by the trans society especially on TV , loud and very overbearing various "shows" almost frightening, maybe put on at a later hour?
Hi Adlon,
I see two ways of going about getting your voice heard. One is to get out and shout about it publicly. or else start writing to the media. I'm nearly 77, and I keep being awkward with folks who have little to no life experience, and often they come back and say I'd helped them see things differently.
I see any of these Social internet sites as basic propaganda, and I don't like it either. Hence I come here to a safe place to chat and help.
Cheers, Midori
Hi Midori my faith in younger generation received a boost, an old [actually 3 years older than myself] fell over in the street, six of us including four students helped him, rang up ambulance, and police [could see police station from where we were standing] weak excuses from ambulance [they are fifteen minutes from where the incident happened] a large blanket and foil from nearby charity shop, people walking past "Huh he's an old drunk!" okay it was outside a pub, but it does not open for another four hours! Kept him talking young students swearing away at ambulances for not getting there👍 police making excuses, should get in touch with ambulance🙄 two nurses, just finished their shifts, gave a bit of help, an hour and half later, I had to leave, but saw just as I left, someone had got a wheelchair for him! The amount of 'comments' made about him, from old and young, pensioners and schoolkids, 😖😖 It was the students who really helped, showing basic common sense, so hope for them yet🖐👍
Hi Adlon57,I completely see what you're saying and I agree with you entirely. I'm 42, straight, white, male and I feel invisible in society now. I feel that many of the younger ones view me as really old since I reached 40. Even when I was in my 20s and 30s I shared similar views to yourself and I have always had more Conservative leanings than most people my age. That's why I've struggled to meet people like myself, who are younger, but with older fashioned views. I hate this culture we now cultivate in the West, where if we don't agree with mainstream media and Liberalism, we are automatically wrong or evil.
I would like to point out that although I hold Conservative views, I do strongly agree with some 'progressive' things, such as pro-choice, civil ceremonies/marriage for homosexual couples and rights for animals.
Whilst I don't understand the whole trans culture, I definitely don't have an issue with older people wanting to transition. When I dealt with the British military, we had an awful lot of ex male soldiers who wanted to transition. I think when it's an adult who has lived their life in what they feel is the wrong body/gender, then it's their choice. I don't imagine it's a decision they take light heartedly, what with the procedures they have to go through. That being said I'm against children being offered that and the whole pronoun thing really annoys me.
I share your views on technology too, as I am not very techy savvy and I hate how we're expected to serve ourselves in shops - I want people to be employed in shops. I feel like in any shop I have to serve myself, I should be receiving a wage from them, as I feel I now work for them.
Anyway, I'm 25 years younger than you are and I definitely agree with your stance.
Personally speaking I have several friends whose kids don’t like them. Each one of them feels entitled and when they don’t get what they want they get mad at the parents and won’t speak to them. I know of several situations where the kids have literally ridiculed the parent for how they were raised, none of which was warranted. Another time a friend’s daughter hit her Mother and ended up in jail for trying to kill her. And all of these “kids” I’m referring to are young adults. While I’m not categorizing all of them as being mean spirited or entitled there are a lot of parents whose children think everything is owed to them and when they don’t get it go into a total meltdown.
I have a 10 year old grandson who knows more about things he shouldn’t know than me. While his parents and I try to monitor what we watches, sometimes things get by us. While social media is good for the most part, there are things out there that the younger kids just shouldn’t have access to. He knows way too much for his age.
And oldies like me who are totally befuddled by a Smartphone! My son disabled the internet for it so I have only the basics on it! What a relief!
Cheers, Midori