Does anyone else have a problem with people stopping by unannounced? When I’m having a bad day, that’s the last thing I want. Even if they are friends. I have a hard time putting on a fake smile. Sometimes after they have been here, I feel better. But most often not.
unwanted guests: Does anyone else have... - Anxiety and Depre...
unwanted guests

when I feel great I dislike it. never come over unannounced
Sig. other has an open door policy. Come over whenever you want. He said, don’t ask me to change that cause I won’t. I would never make him do that, but I just think it’s rude.
Yes I do and I really hate it. Crazy thing is even on "GOOD DAYS" I don't want any visitors. I'm more of a if I want to see you, I'll come to you type of person. I believe people leave spirits in your home and I don't want any of those things In here. No I don't practice witchcraft or any of those things but I don't have a WELCOME MAT at my door for a reason......YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE 🤣😂🤣🤣.......PROCEED WITH CAUTION better yet DONT PROCEED...turn around and go back home 🤭🤷🏽♀️
if I want to see you, I’ll invite you over. You never know what’s going on in a persons life that day and to just stop over is rude. Just my opinion.
It's completely valid to feel that way. Unannounced visits can be overwhelming, especially on tough days.
I have a policy that if I’m not expecting anyone and there is a knock at my door, I simply don’t answer it. Period.
I have a problem with people entering my head unannounced. Its really suffering.
It sounds to me like you need to set some boundaries for these people. Would you feel comfortable doing so? (Asked because it can be surprisingly hard to do so).
Tell them (in a nice way) to call first. 🛑
They would tell sig. other and he would be pissed at me. I don’t think this is something he would compromise on.
If you don't tell people your expectations, they won't know your boundaries. (They can't read your mind.)
You are correct. My one friend will text me sometimes and ask if I want company. The answer is usually no and she’ll respect that. I was just telling sig. other the other day that I don’t like it when she wants to come over and bypasses me and text him to see if it’s ok. Of course he always says yes. He, in so many words, told me to deal with it. He’s not a bad guy. I know I make him out to be one sometimes. For most things he’s very understanding and supportive.
I wouldn’t feel comfortable doing that. And sig. other wouldn’t let me do it. He’s a whoever, whenever kinda guy. I don’t like it. It would cause friction between us so I just deal with it…..but hate it
I don't like this at all. I prefer someone shoot me a text first.
I think pop in guests is kind of an old fashion thing. People are too busy now to accommodate a surprises guest.
Well, I will speak for myself, I plot out my days and it doesn't work for me to have the doorbell ring. Unless it's the Amazon person
Oh yes! The amazon man is always welcome! lol. But he doesn’t even knock. Just leaves the package on the deck.
That's true and we can follow him on the app so he's not really a surprise.
Occasionally one knocks but they don't beat the door down and they come bearing gifts so nothing wrong with that knock
I’m not a people person. When they do stop by, which is several times a week, I can’t wait for them to leave. There are a few that come on certain days, like Thirsty Thursday, but I’m expecting them so it’s no surprise. And they , pretty much just one, don’t stay too long.
I had a neighbor banging the door down one eve 6pm. I couldn't believe it, she literally needed a teaspoon of pepper for a recipe???!!! Are you kidding me??
This happens every week? You are too kind.
I hope they BYOB on Thirsty Thursday
They do bring their own! We wind down here pretty early. I too would be annoyed if someone was pounding on my door for pepper at , maybe not 6, but definitely 7. Yup, every week around 6 pm one, two and sometimes 3 people are here. I know they are coming so that’s not too bad. But other days….urgh. Go away! Sig other actually did good last night. Someone called wanting to come over, he has been here twice since Sunday, and he told him I just wanted quiet time. He is a friend of mine too…a good guy, but no. Was very surprised he told him no.
My thing with the pepper was would that make a difference in a recipe? I can see sugar when baking but not pepper and I like pepper. It won't happen again, I have her the whole container
Wow, you have lots of company. Are you sure you aren't a people person?
I have my reliable ZOOM meeting Do Not Disturb Sign that goes up even off I'm not in a meeting.
My friends and family wouldn't do this random knocking. I'm in new neighborhoods now so I think that's why the pepper banging. Maybe she didn't really need pepper just wanted to snoop around LOL. Just kidding, she's very nice but a bit too chatty for me
I don’t believe pepper would make a great difference in a recipe either. I’m positive I’m not a people person. When they come, I just sit on the couch and don’t really participate in the conversations. They are here for sig. other
Pepper and salt can be left out of recipes I would imagine. I certainly wouldn't knock on someone's door for pepper. The stir is right up the street.
This is a whole different issue with them not being your friends. This is now more complex than I thought
Wait, it’s Thursday isn’t it. Darn it….company tonight😞. Maybe they won’t come tonight because of the snowy weather 🤞
Maybe you should suggest they stay home for safety reasons
Good idea! But sig other would never tell them that and if I did, it would probably upset him. He’s very attached to his friends.
Well you can always come on here. Someone is always around.
Sig needs his friends so you are stuck I think.
Online shopping maybe? Tis the season
I might just do that. Come on here. Unfortunately I can’t online shop right now. I do so love doing that though! lol. I agree with you..I am stuck! I’ll just have to make the best of it.
There you go We solved the problem.
Sometimes I just shop and put things in my basket for a later date. Just don't hit proceed to checkout
Oh gosh! You should see how many things I have in my “save for later” cart on Amazon! Lol