I’ve been battling GAD for 3 years (27M). I will randomly have bouts of anxiety and irritability for weeks. I have been on Lexapro 10mg for 4 months but have noticed it hasn’t helped a whole lot. I have quite literally nothing to be anxious about, as I have a good job and keep myself busy. Tonight i had to make a post asking for guidance/advice because it seems as if this will never go away. This anxiety feeling is pretty much unbearable, especially when there’s no root cause and it’s just something that exists inside me. Any help out there?
Any advice on fighting generalized an... - Anxiety and Depre...
Any advice on fighting generalized anxiety disorder?
Hi ManateeFields, I'd like to Welcome you to a helpful and caring support group.
As for your advice on fighting anxiety, the best I can give you is not to fight.
When we put our energies into fighting, it does nothing but keep anxiety in a built
up position. There's a book as well as video on YouTube that can explain this better.
It's by Dr. Claire Weekes and entitled "Help & Hope for Your Nerves" If you get a chance
to watch her videos, I think you will better understand that Acceptance of anxiety is the
way to go and not fighting it.
I've dealt with severe anxiety as well as agoraphobia myself for many years. It wasn't
until I became more laid back and lessened my grip and my fear about this entity that
I started getting well. I am just one of many people in this community who has beaten
down anxiety and have learned to live with it. I've been on HU 9 years to pass my
success forward.
We help each other on this forum by sharing our own experiences with others. We
learn from the group. It can be an awakening for all of us that there is an "aha moment"
when you will be able to leave anxiety behind. xx
Will it help to remind yourself that you are safe and that your body is releasing stress chemicals at the wrong time? Something minor in your surroundings may have triggered you. Hug.
It's good to hear that you have a good job and are busy in your life. Well done! You're doing great. 🙂
Here's what I can say...
Do you suppress your feelings or regulate them? Anxiety mainly stems from an inability to regulate emotions or manage stress levels.
Are you engaging in self-care activities - everyday activities that you find relaxing, fun, and energizing?
Medicine only helps to control impulsivity and out-of-character behaviours.
I hope this helps... 😊
Hang in there. You are not alone. You might want to increase the dosage of your medication. I understand your frustration.