It's a battle at the supermarket, everyday it's a constant " scanning " price's around the shop, my personal ways of shopping have definitely changed, I only buy products that have lasted the test of " time " I stick with certain products, but things have changed, I refuse to buy hienz soup, even the ketchup has reached its price tag, Cadbury chocolate was a favourite of mine, but it tastes " greasy" and expensive for what it is , I will stick with fairly washing up liquid,and lurpak butter. I'm actually in shock that some food items have security tags on, it's been caused by covid
" apparently " but we all know its a cost of greed by the supermarket's, the security tags are mainly to discourage shop lifters, the cost of living has pushed many food items beyond an average wage, we are getting spanked by the utility companies, and the cost of electricity has influenced the cost of food, the recent budget will affect food prices even more, but the supermarket needs to keep the shareholders happy.
I'm feeling there's a push on most people on society, its been a battle for those on benefits, and now its crept into the next groups, the
Worker's are now being dragged into this fiscal mess, the growth in the UK will be extremely low, it's the Worker's who generate money and the trickle down economics aren't working, it's been a graduation of people being sucked into lower living standards, and paying more, and yes getting less and less every year, there's going to an end plan, but how far it will continue I haven't got a clue, perhaps the food banks and charities are expected to pick up the slack, we are losing vital communication due to everything being done online, and nobody is held accountable for these " actions " society is in a slow meltdown and whilst politicians are quaffing champagne and eat lobster, they are invisible towards the real world, there's no crumble left on the table anymore ๐