Last year I had a cardiac arrest. Since then, I’ve had anxiety attacks thinking I’m not going to live. They only surface when I’m sick.
My husband is frustrated. Out of patience.
which to be honest - didn’t seem like he had any to begin with.
We used to have a sizzling sex life. But he is frustrated with how often it’s off the table due to illness, stress, and anxiety.
I feel resentment that sex is his bone of contention. We still have sex frequently. But the times we can’t - he gets very upset.
Just for background it’s normally around twice a week. There are longer periods. Never over one week. And shorter periods when it’s every other day.
I noticed he was moody and sullen today. I told him I was feeling anxiety last week. Then the weekend came. We had family over yesterday until 10 pm. Not my fault. But he expected me to initiate earlier in the day today. I mentioned it around 5 pm I was up for some fun and he went on a tangent that I didn’t attempt sooner. He went on and on about how frustrated he is that he can’t initiate when I’m sick. This was directly after I mentioned sex today. Said I could’ve made it a priority. Instead I did chores. And it was a day I was feeling well. Now he’s asleep and I can’t sleep at all.
I have to hide when I’m not feeling well or have anxiety because he is so sick of it.
I’m at a complete loss.