I’m discharging this week from a partial program and I’m super nervous. I quit drinking on the weekends and I wanna keep that up too
php discharge : I’m discharging this... - Anxiety and Depre...
php discharge
Hello and Welcome. I am glad you have joined us. What do they offer for support following discharge?
I will see my personal therapist and med management.
You can get so much support here.
Thank you. I hope so
What do you think the most challenging part is going to be for you? Do you have a good support system?
I don’t except my daughter so it will
Be tough.
I am so glad that you do have a therapist.
Me too. She is helpful so that’s good
Did you learn some good coping skills during the program that you think you will be able to use once you are home?
I did. I just have to remember to use them. That’s the most important
That is always the hardest part. Do you feel comfortable sharing a little bit more about what you are going through? I have depression, anxiety, and agoraphobia.
Depression and anxiety and my trigger is my boyfriend who I live with right now
Is he supportive at all or only triggering?
Only triggering. I am hoping to move in ten months when lease is up. He lied to keep me here and I fell for it.
Oh I am so sorry. 10 months is a long time. I hope you find ways to take care of yourself through this.
It is. Unfortunately have a lease
Do you have time to yourself or are you always with him?
He ignores me most of the time so I can get time by self
I just read your other post. I am really glad you are here seeking support. What do you enjoy doing? I love reading.
I do like to read but need more hobbies too I know. I like exercise but it’s been tough trying that lately
What kind of hobbies are you interested in?
I think I’d like crocheting I’m just not that good at it yet. And outdoor stuff like hiking
It is ok if you aren't good at it yet. You can just play around with it and see what happens. Will you have the opportunity to go hiking or get outdoors?
I can make the opportunity to do those things. It’s just tough sometimes to want to do them
Oh I totally understand that. I am not motivated to do anything.
I like to crochet also. I haven’t done it in quite a while but should get back into it. I even bought yarn a while back and forgot about it. Thanks for the reminder 🙂. A good thing to start with is dish rags. One simple stitch. Good luck and I hope you have a good day!
Thank you. Dish rags I never thought of doing those
I like to crochet, too! Am not good at it. However, I joined a knit/crochet group at our main library which meets every week. There are about 20 of us in the group --mostly about ten people show up every week, or every other week. Everyone in that group are Very Advanced knitters, and crocheters --I mean, they are Outstanding --doing beautiful work which I can only admire. Me, & one other woman in this group are Not good at crocheting; but, I will tell you that it really doesn't matter as NO once cares how good, or not good you are. And, I have found one women who loves to teach, and has helped me with my project. I, also, get inspiration from the Excellent crocheters. I don't have a lot of patience & know if I could concentrate better, I would improve with my following a pattern. But, my point in writing this is Don't stop going to a class, group, of whatever you like to do because you are not good at it. People will want to help you if you let them!
Maybe go to AA meeting in your area. Keep busy. Do things to keep your mind off of drinking. I have anxiety and when I keep myself busy it acts up less. I really hope you do well. Try to stay positive and good luck !!
aa meetings?
aa meetings?
Hello, good luck when you get discharged. That is wonderful about stopping the weekend drinking. You will feel a lot better when you have a clear mind. Let me know how things go, I'm here to listen anytime.🫠
Thank you. Yea it’s tough on weekends. I didn’t do A.A. since I was just a weekend drinker but not sure. They seem more hard core drinking than that but maybe it’s my perception