I was feeling better but now I’m having some anxiety again. It’s anxiety over small things. Idk why I’m having it, for example I ate tortilla chips but then found out the expiration date was today, and now I’m scared I’ll get sick. I also have a salad kit I was going to eat for dinner but I’m scared the lettuce will give me food poisoning. And now I’m thinking about the cruise I’m taking in three months and how it’s making me anxious. I’m still tired from this weekend. I was going to close my eyes and breathe and lay down for about 30 minutes and then try some dinner.
better but feeling anxious again - Anxiety and Depre...
better but feeling anxious again

hey Daisy. I thought about you this morning. I had some chicken that I left out over night, it was cooked of course, but I ate it. it took a minute but I freaked out and was sure I was going to get food poisoning. like dead afraid. my anxiety dial broke I was so nervous. then all I could do was think of you. I’m sorry you go through this so much.
Hi! Are you doing okay? That is something that would stress me out for sure! Hoping you’re ok ❤️
Hi! Thank you. ❤️ It took me all day to feel okay enough that I think I’m going to dodge getting sick. I mean it was just left out all night I didn’t reheat it or anything. I really do not know what I was thinking.
I knew you would understand. I really felt awful but I also was picturing what you constantly go through, it’s very upsetting and scary.
getting nervous about the cruise is understandable, wait a while longer to let it make you anxious. laying down and breathing sounds like a good plan.
I have anxiety like that too. I worry all the time about everything. Have you tried laying down on your back, closing your eyes, and listening to something soothing while doing the diaphragmatic breathing? It seems to be helping me now that I have learned that I need to breathe into my belly and not just my chest.

Right on Barbloki xx
anxiety is part of how separate we are and modern life or just the human condition some animals feel anxiety too - its ok i suppose - group therapy helps me on zoom ta