Did anyone else do this?
Recording your favourite songs... - Anxiety and Depre...
Recording your favourite songs...

I go further back than cassette tapes. I used a reel to reel to record the hit parade on Radio Luxembourg 😁🤗
How long ago was that? 😀
I remember radio Luxembourg...

Early 70s.
I was just a toddler then, late 70s i got into music.

I was in my early- mid teens.
What bands did you like then?

I was influenced by my older brother who I really admired - he was into Ska, and Tamla Motown.
After that I liked T Rex, Sweet, and Alice Cooper but they were post Luxembourg days .
Listening to Radio Caroline, on my wee orange radio under the bed sheets, volume turned down low, then realising the music wasn't getting slower the batteries in the radio were running down, no main's plugs then🥴😏🤞
I love late 70s and early 80s Uk ska.
LOL you come up with some great stuff.
my older brother had reel to reel. I remember the cassettes when all the tape would fall out of them. Trying to roll that back in.
Elvis 😶
I grew up in the 80s. Yes, I used to tape songs off of the radio. Now it’s all burning CDs off of a computer and streaming and apple iTunes or something like that. It just isn’t the same. I actually still have a record player and still have some of my old records and play them sometimes. And actually, vinyl is making some kind of comeback. The sound quality is better in some ways than CDs. I recently purchased a vinyl record, the first time I have in ages!!! It is the greatest hits from The Police.
I started to listen to music in the 70 but it was my parents music, i got into my own stuff in the 80s. I still have some of my old vinyl records and cassettes, i had loads at one stage but had to sell them as i had to many. The sound is better from vinyl i agree with you.
The Police are brilliant.
Yes, The Police were a great band. I like some of Stings songs as a solo artist too even though he changed his sound to a more jazzy and romantic music.

my husbands a massive vinyl fan- got over 600 records, some are original 60s and70s ones. Theyre all in excellent condition. I darent play them 🤣🤗
Wow, that's amazing to still have those.
Oh yes - if I damaged one Id be in big trouble lol Hes been adding steadily to his collection over the years. He recently bought a new turntable which was very expensive 🙄
LOL... I can see it in your eyes that you aren't a fan. Hahaha.
At least he has a turn table. I know people that have the albums but no way to play them 🙄
wow, they’ll be worth something , your inheritance lol

Are they witches , that you must burn them ?
Ha ha. No, there’s a way you can take a CD and make a copy of it using your computer. I used to do that on my computer, now I use my crazy smartphone for everything!!! I think it’s all become too much technology honestly!!! I still have a few cassette tapes!!!

i have a too smart phone too. Its amazing what we can do on our cell phones these days . I have to get my kids to show me how to use mine .
what do you mean , you wanna go back ? I still do it. Im waiting for Santa to give me a 8 track player
Yes I used to do this!
I certainly did
I admit that I did, BUT I don't miss cassette tapes at all.
Rewinding, forwarding, and worrying if the tape broke or the audio on the tape got ruined made me jump towards CD's, and never look back.
Heck I eventually bought a portable CD player with motion shock absorption to use at the gym. I didn't care how I looked. I still rather use that, which was bulkier and more of a pain to exercise with over a cassette player.
All the time. When I was a kid, I was a huge fan of The Beach Boys. (They are still one of my favorite bands and Brian Wilson IS a genius.) There are several reasons, not the lest of which is that it seemed to help alleviate the misery and depression I was feeling and experiencing due to loneliness, bullying, toxic family dynamics.
Anyway, I used to have a blank tape always in my stereo and ready to record at a moment’s notice. The trick for me was not so much the DJ talking but making sure I didn’t run out of tape while in the middle of a song.
Today’s music industry, satellite aside, although even that has its issues, is too much money and corporate driven. Every station, at least around here, plays the same songs all the time pretty much like clock work. Talk radio is even worse as it is mostly hate filled white supremacist , Christian Nationalist nonsense that blathers on about Trump and the Republicans are the greatest. I would give anything to back to the days when hearing songs like “Good Vibrations” or “Surfer Girl” brightened, albeit for a moment, what was a lonely, dark and miserable existence.
It shows that a simple song can take you away from it all.....

Yes, although I would classify The Beach Boys music as deceptively simple. Based on what I have read, I am not, I admit, well versed in music theory and composition, their music was extremely complex and bordered, at times on miniature symphonies. The songwriting was beyond the pale and far advanced in comparison to comparison to anything else being written and recorded at the time. Perhaps the best evidence of the brilliance of Brian Wilson is that today’s technology was developed, in part as a way to try and replicate the sound of the records Wilson and his cohorts made. And you know what? Despite all this technology, they cannot do it.
Big fan where you?
I had 8 track tapes before the cassettes, spent way too much time rewinding them and cutting and splicing them together when they would get tangled or break. There would always be a slight gap in the tune where it had been spliced - what a pain! Was so glad when the CD player came along!
My dad used to say the same about Dylan, maybe someday ill take the time to sit and listen to him.
Ill have a good listen then next time i am free.