I started having vertigo/bppv last year and eventually I ended up having severe anxiety because of this problem. Taking Zoloft/Sertraline 50 for 4 months but it seems like anxiety is back with weak legs, no appetite, chest tightness. Did anyone had same symptoms and did u end up increasing the dose, and did that help? Thanks
back to square one - Zoloft - Anxiety and Depre...
back to square one - Zoloft

Have you spoken to your doctor about the vertigo that you're experiencing with Zoloft? I'm having dizziness as well and I take 50 mg of Zoloft and have for the last 3 months. Have you taken the Gene site test which is a saliva test that is done in your doctor's office that lets you know which antidepressants are best to use according to your DNA?
Actually they stated they were getting anxiety because of the vertigo/BPPV, not getting vertigo from the meds. Also I did the Gene site test for the meds a while ago and for me it was so off base. What it showed would work didn't, and what it showed wouldn't work actually had. I don't take meds anymore, TMS did the trick for me.
I'm sure that she could state this and reply back to me.
Thanks for the response what is TMS and you’re correct its the vertigo that caused the anxiety. Good luck to you!
TMS is transcranial magnetic stimulation. It uses magnetic pulses targeting a part of the brain to eliminate depressive symptoms. Treatment is typically 5x/week for 6-7 weeks with each treatment about 20 minutes. You feel a tapping on your skull and you might feel some irritation but it goes away. You're awake during treatment and after each can go about your day. It's a big time commitment but if it works it's well worth it. As with any treatment results vary. By the way, I get BPPV and I know how uncomfortable it is! Mine lasts anywhere from several hours to a couple days. I hope you get some relief from your anxiety!
If your anxiety was caused by the vertigo, I completely understand that too. I was rushed to the hospital in 2021 and they said I had vertigo but I was taking Zoloft and have been taking Zoloft off and on for years. I wasn't sure which one started first. My doctor also explained to me that it was the crystals between the ears that were off balance and I had to somehow use an exercise with my head to balance the crystals. She said that sometimes they end up balancing on their own but it did go away but I still get dizzy lately and I'm not sure what it's caused by. Maybe your doctor can explain more about the crystals in our ear canal. This is what I was told. I'm thinking about going to an ear nose throat doctor to find out more about it. So all I'm saying is I completely understand about your vertigo and dizziness with the anxiety.
Thanks for the response! Usually for ppl its anxiety that causes vertigo but in my case its the vertigo that caused anxiety and I am taking Zoloft for that and will discuss a dose increase when I see the doctor next time. My bppv episodes have now transformed into PPPD which is like losing traction for a few seconds with a floating feeling.
Good luck to you too!