I made it through yesterday without crying over my daughters not speaking to me, I wanted to do it again, but I couldn't. I didn't get out of bed until 11am. My home healthcare nurse showed up about an 2 hrs later. (I'm a diabetic with an ulcer on the ball of my foot that doesn't want to heal. I have had this ulcer since the beginning of June) When my nurse checked my blood pressure, she was shocked. It was 85/52 and my pulse was 60. She explained that technically she was supposed to call an ambulance, but since she has been coming to my home daily we have become friends. She knows that if I didn't feel well or felt I was in danger, I would call 911 myself. Is my broken Heart over the loss of contact with my daughter now affecting my blood pressure?? I can't seem to stop crying. It feels so much like there has been a death in my family. Now with the holiday coming up, I have gifts to mail to her and her husband. But she doesn't want any kind of communication from me. none. not even a text. My heart is broken, and only she can mend it. Can a "broken Heart" affect you bodies readings? I'd like to hear what anyone thinks.
Can't Stop Crying and my Blood Pressu... - Anxiety and Depre...
Can't Stop Crying and my Blood Pressure is dangerously low.

Of course it can. If being emotionally happy can life you up physically then being upset can send your health downward too. But, you could have nutritional deficiencies that are aggravating your problem. Thyroid, adrenal, super low potassium or vit. D are just a few problems that can affect your health emotionally and physically. Have a full panel of blood tests ran on you. Thanks for commemting on my poem too. My lady love sends her thanks too.
I have complete blood panels done every 3mos. and you are correct, I have a thyroid problem, I am supposed to salt everything I eat because my sodium level is so low. I had almost zero Iron in my blood, no Vit D, Thanks for reminding me. I don't get a lot of support from my primary care doctor. I think it might be time to move on to a new caregiver.
RE: you and your lady love, I would like to wish you the love I found in my high school sweetheart. We marred when I was 17, he was 19. Our first child didn't come until 5 yrs later. Next May we will celebrate our 39th wedding anniversary together. I hope you find a love like mine. Best of love to you both!
Low blood pressure is considered anything under 90/60 and some doctors say it's o.k. so long as you feel normal. I would suggest that you increase your intake of fluids, whether you like it or not start drinking another 3 litres or 5 pints of water each day, sometimes low blood pressure is caused by not getting enough water.
Your daughter will probably calm down before long, when that time comes suggest having a talk to resolve differences calmly.
I appreciate your words. I will increase my water intake even though I hate it so! I do hope my eldest daughter calms. I don't want to go thru the holidays feeling hated by one of my children. My youngest is speaking with me, but I am not really saying much. I want her to have time without me constantly in her life unless she asks. Thanks again.
You say you hate water so, that could be the reason. Of course you can add fruit cordial if you want.
Give people a chance to calm and cool off, there is a time to speak and a time to say nothing. Maybe at the moment it's a time for you to say nothing. For a while.
Have you had your B12 level checked? That was the cause of my low blood pressure.
I’m sorry you’re going through this😔
Thanks Tnhundley, I am seeing a nurse today, I will ask about that one.