I registered at the labour market and my head hurts, my vision is blurry, the veins on my head, especially the ones to my eyes, are spasming. They won't pay my insurance because I have no previous job. They didn't even want to register me but i begged them saying my parents wouldn't let me come home. Which is true just I have one parent present. My eye is still spasming. I ate a dark chocolate and took an aspirin and took a shower but my eye keeps on spasms. I'm scared if glaucoma
How do mentally ill people work? Part... - Anxiety and Depre...
How do mentally ill people work? Participate in society?

What does registering at the labor market mean? What does that do for you? Your eye problem is most likely caused by stress.
Means idk actually
By registering with them do they give you any money or help you find a job? Do they do anything to help you in any way?
I'm wondering if it's a bit like the system Norway has. We have something called NAV that helps with a number of things from helping you find a job to helping you out financially if you can't work. I think you have to register with them as well.
Does this sound similar?
I am in the United States. I just searched. There is a state employment Security office that helps you apply for jobs. I just looked quickly but I did not see anything about helping you out financially. I am really not familiar with what is available here. I am really curious what assistance is available to here where she is.
Have u considered going to a clinic to get it checked out? Stress can manifest itself in weird ways in our body, but usually there are things that can help you deal with the physical manifestations while you are working on your anxiety
They really don't care. They just drug the hell out of me