Tabby-5: I have suffered with chronic... - Anxiety and Depre...

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18 Replies

I have suffered with chronic depression and anxiety. Tried over 20 different medications.

I have done TMS, Acupuncture, Ketamine infusions, Spravato, currently am doing hypnotherapist.

I am just tired of living like this I feel like I am not getting any better.

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Tabby-5 profile image
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18 Replies
Agora1 profile image

Hi Tabby-5 and Welcome

For myself, hypnotherapy has been a great enhancer to my Meditation and Breathing

exercises. I use it all the time as it can quickly calm me as soon as I hear certain words.

Good Luck May it help you as well. :) xx

Tabby-5 profile image
Tabby-5 in reply to Agora1

Thank you for your response, Agora 1, I felt as if it helped in the beginning but seems like it only lasts one day or maybe two. I am new to this so the hypnotherapist says it takes time to get to your subconscious. So I work with her some more and see. She is trying to get on my insurance plan because it is expensive.

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Tabby-5

I understand Tabby-5 because my 3 sessions were out of pocket.

Fortunately they were enough in allowing me to continue experiencing

what she taught me for years now. :) xx

Agora1 profile image
Agora1 in reply to Tabby-5

Tabby, once your subconscious mind is preprogrammed, you can continue practicing

self hypnosis on YouTube. Going to sleep to these suggestions can allow your mind

to grasp more and continue to reinforce the power of the mind. :) xx

Tabby-5 profile image
Tabby-5 in reply to Agora1

Thanks so much for your input. So happy it worked well for you how refreshing to hear this. Thanks for the tip on You tube. Greatly appreciated.

Zyxx profile image

Having suffered from debilitating anxiety myself, all my life, making a normal existence impossible, I can tell you that I don’t think it can be done without a diet overhaul.

That something as stupid as fluctuating blood sugar levels could be a big part of the problem seemed too silly for me to really consider. But it does. Too high estrogen as well. That, too, has a lot to do with diet. And thirdly a lack of minerals.

High sugar diets lead to bad glucose fluctuations, high estrogen and low minerals. It’s a wrench not eating foods that spike glucose (bread, for instance, has that effect, too, as do potatoes, rice etc) especially since eating crap often feels like the only thing that makes me happy for a moment, but I simply can’t afford to do that.

Mind, going off simple carbs has a few side effects. For one thing, you need even more minerals than before, for a number of months.

Whole foods, no glucose spikes is a must for anxiety sufferers.

Tabby-5 profile image
Tabby-5 in reply to Zyxx

Hi Zyxx, I went on a detox through a program that was supposed to help with depression.

It was so much work, they sent me recipes, I don't think they realize when a person is severly depressed how much energy it takes to shop, read receipes, cook, I did the detox program they loaded me up with supplements that made me feel worse and I told them that. The detox and the reintroduction of foods every two days just made me sick and during all this I felt suicidal a few days. I told the doctor I felt worse, and I quit the program. He was so suprised that the effects had the opposite side effects for me. I take my own supplements, but they don't make me sick, and the relief of the recipes and cooking helped immensely would't wish any more suffering on myself but all the things recommended made me feel worse.

Tabby-5 profile image

I appreciate your response,Ch3sh1reCat. You are right it is expensive! She is trying to get on to my insurance plan. I am glad it helped you. I hope it can help me as well. I only started about a month ago. It helped some in the beginning seems like it only lasts a day or two.

Zyxx profile image


crispysundew profile image

My doctor told me there's just some things that medication cant fix. It's just a piece wellness. Is there some thing you can trace to a root cause of your suffering?

Tabby-5 profile image
Tabby-5 in reply to crispysundew

Hi Crispysundew, I have been working on it through, therapy of all kinds, CBT, DBT, EMDR,

Hypnotherapy, medications, journaling, never been the same since, I had a breakdown in 2018 and went into the hospital.

designguy profile image

Sounds like you have tried a lot of different approaches and meds, did you do a psychopharmacological test that uses your dna to determine which meds are best suited for you? My test showed that none of the half-dozen meds I had tried were right for me so I started on one it recommended which was a different type than the previous ones and it worked. My test was from Genesight and paid for by my insurance. I know some on here have not had success with the test but I did and yes we are all different.

This may or may not apply to you but one of the helpful thing for me was spending time determining why and how my issues developed to understand the stories I was telling myself. In my case I grew up in an emotionally abusive/repressive home environment and was punished and shamed for showing any signs of healthy anger/emotions or trying to stand up for myself or be proud of myself. I was also bullied in school. Consequently I developed some depression and social anxiety. I realized a number of years ago that I was actually dealing with trauma/c-ptsd and found a therapist that specialized in treating trauma and helped me get in touch with, understand and process all the anger, rage and resentment I had been suppressing for years and it made a big difference for me. I also realized that a good therapist can help and provide the right information and skills to heal but I had to do the work and it definitely was worth it.

I hope you find what works and helps you.

Tabby-5 profile image
Tabby-5 in reply to designguy

Thanks design guy, Yes I did do the gene site test and even the ones in my category gave me side effects. I tried over 20, I do have a great therapist and hypnotherapist and hoping I can get some relief. The medications were a night mare. Thanks I am glad you are feeling better. That is great!

designguy profile image
designguy in reply to Tabby-5

You're welcome, I thought maybe that you had tried it since you said you had tried so many different meds but thought I would mention it just incase, sorry it wasn't helpful for you.

designguy profile image

I also wanted to add that making sure your hormones, thyroid and adrenals are functioning properly can really help your mood. I had low testosterone and hypothyroid and getting those back functioning really helped.

Tabby-5 profile image
Tabby-5 in reply to designguy

Hi Designguy, I also had my hormones tested and even went to a hormone specialist that loaded me up with supplements, hormones and it wasn't covered under my insurance, and it was very expensive he even asked me if I knew of anyone who could help me pay for the supplements etc. I couldn't afford or take everything he wanted me to at the same time, and all that I was putting into my body caused me to start losing my balance. So I quit. I even had my poop tested for parasites and all was normal along with my last blood panel and thyroid and hormone tests. So exhausting.

designguy profile image
designguy in reply to Tabby-5

Sounds like you have covered all of the bases, sorry you didn't find it helpful. Have you tried or looked into ECT, it's been around a while but they have made some big improvements to it and I have read it's quite affective for TRD now.

Tabby-5 profile image

Hi Designguy, ECT is on the back burner, my primary doctor and psychiatrist have suggested it. Right now, I am working with my psychiatrist to taper off a medication I have been on for 6 years. We are doing it slowly, It is Seroquel, otherwise know as Quetaipine. It was given to me when I was hospitalized. I told several doctors that I don't have problems sleeping but feel like I am addicted now. I have never felt close to myself all these years being on this medication. My primary doctor is in favor of me tapering off she said, she has not seen any improvement on it. My current psychiatrist said it is for people who are bipolar, and you are not or schizophrenic which you are not. It is also a mood stabilizer and helps with sleep. I feel as if I have bombarded my brain with all these medications and treatments over the years and maybe my brain just needs to heal? I have to see how I feel after being completely off for a while. These medications are very serious taking them and getting off of them. Thanks for the suggestion. I have asked a few people about the procedure and they said it helped a lot. I think tapering down, therapy, hypnosis is about all I can handle right now.

Hearing that ECT treatments purposely induce a seizure doesn't sound very comforting.

That is just my opinion and feelings at this time. Thanks again!

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